Saturday, 6 March 2010
Yet after only 100 days in the job as the EU's top diplomat, the consensus on 53-year-old Cathy Ashton is that she is also one of the worst politicians on the international stage. There have been so many gaffes in such a short space of time that there are now serious questions over whether she can survive to the end of the year - let alone until 2014, when her lucrative contract is due to expire.
Yesterday, it emerged that David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, had written to her giving her blunt advice on how to do the job properly and it's a SAD DAY when BANANA BOY gives advice to anyone on how to do a job! The woman has been picked from obscurity to a job she is not suited for with a salary of £328,000 when she would be better suited to running a parish council. She decided last week instead of going to a meeting of EU Defence Ministers with NATO officials to go to the inauguration of the pro-Russian, Ukrainian Prime Minister. A throwback from her days in the CND?
The woman is an embarrassment to Britain and the sooner she is throw to the wolves and gets her £464,000 payoff and £64,000 pension the better and Brown should pay it personally for foisting this idiot on the EU.
Now is not the time for amateurs, oh we've got that and they're from Labour, fuck me you couldn't make this up could you? Are we living in some warped parallel universe where mediocrity is rewarded.
DaveP- you're right. What with a Turkey neck and a set of wallies like the winner of the Grand National, she's no looker. Mind you with the dosh she's getting she wouldn't have to look far to get another man!
Anonymous, as you may be somewhat new to this blog, you will notice that I give you a link to the original story outlined in yellow so that you cn check facts like this for yourself. However this time and this time only, the answer is yes. Now next time don't be such a lazy anonymous and anyway what kind of a name is that for anybody. Make one up, like Tiger Woods has then I know who it is!
Banned, that will be the case and of course she will be able to take the EU to court for breach of contract and 'hurt' to her feelings etc etc. I would say Peter and the 5 weans will be rubbing their hands at getting mummy home.
She really makes Princess Anne appear beautiful.
Oh dearie me. You see that's what happens when the majority of the population stick their heads in the sand and won't hold politicians to account.
I say we still need a referendum on the EU.
What Parish council deserves to have her in charge? Even running a whelk stall is beyond her capabilities.
She has some of those joke shop teeth in!
Now is not the time for amateurs, oh we've got that and they're from Labour, fuck me you couldn't make this up could you? Are we living in some warped parallel universe where mediocrity is rewarded.
Time for Independence.
Now please before Im forced to emigrate.
Posh white totty. I'd pump it.
Is her husband Peter Kellner who is linked with Yougov?
DaveP- you're right. What with a Turkey neck and a set of wallies like the winner of the Grand National, she's no looker. Mind you with the dosh she's getting she wouldn't have to look far to get another man!
Rosie, good news. Dave Cameron says we can have a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty...... Some late news just in 3 months ago. No we can't. So there!
Fred, I don't know about a whelk stall, but she would be able to shuck a few oysters with those teeth!
Anonymous, as you may be somewhat new to this blog, you will notice that I give you a link to the original story outlined in yellow so that you cn check facts like this for yourself. However this time and this time only, the answer is yes. Now next time don't be such a lazy anonymous and anyway what kind of a name is that for anybody. Make one up, like Tiger Woods has then I know who it is!
Banned, that will be the case and of course she will be able to take the EU to court for breach of contract and 'hurt' to her feelings etc etc. I would say Peter and the 5 weans will be rubbing their hands at getting mummy home.
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