Wednesday, 6 January 2010


New immigrants coming to Britain should have an understanding of the country's Christian heritage, a former Archbishop of Canterbury said today.

Lord Carey is part of an alliance of leading public figures demanding immigration to be urgently curbed to stop the population hitting 70million and causing ‘serious harm’ to society.

Lord Carey stressed today that he was not calling for a ban on non-Christian immigrants settling in Britain, but warned that if concerns about the level and nature of immigration were not addressed, it simply would play into the hands of the far right British National Party.
'What I think we must call for is an understanding on the part of those who come into our country that they are coming into one which values parliamentary democracy, which is built upon our Christian heritage,' he said.
'They have got to understand our commitment to the English language and espouse it, and they must understand our history.'

For once we find a Religious Leader talking sense.  Nobody, well apart from the NUTJOBS in the BNP want to stop all immigration, but immigrants must understand that while we tolerate MULTI-NATIONALISM we cannot any longer tolerate MULTI-CULTURISM.  Immigrants who wish to come to this country and settle must be prepared to adhere to the HOST CULTURE of the country and accept our morals, laws, history and customs otherwise the far right will have the opportunity to exploit the fractures in our society.


McGonagall said...

The recommendation is net immigration be cut to 40,000. So gross immigration will remain around 500,000 pa. I hardly think this will be acceptable to most folks and will continue to fill the ranks of those "far right" parties.

subrosa said...

Wow DL and not a swear word in sight! Great post, congratulations.

Don't Call Me Dave said...

This great...reading your blog in Bulgarian!

Anonymous said...

So, the deal is this:

In order that the far right does not get too much support, the 'liberals' will carry out its work?

That's a bit like the police stealing your car so there's less opportunity for the real thieves.

Anonymous said...

Don't care Edgar, my country is beyond full and somebody needs to do something about it.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Scunnert, I think we as a country could manage NET immigration of 40,000 per year. I know in Scotland we are losing net population every year and if people with the right skills that are not going to disadvantage the existing population that also want to integrate into Scottish society want to come here, then generally that is ok with me.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Rosie, I have written a good post before IMO without a sweary word. :-) Does this mean I'm in the running for the super seven?

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, For fuck's sake, we're talking about a man of the cloth here!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Fred, Aye I wish I had discovered that before. It's amazing what they can do nowadays. Have you tried it in Arabic. I did and I've been signed up for my 14 virgins next week!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Edgar, It would be a dangerous situation if we let the far right get too strong and it would only take good men to stand back and do nothing as someone once said. Immigration has run amok under these Labour incompetents so someone has to do something.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Headson, it's ok, the Government have told us that 120,000 will die from Swine Flu so there will be plenty of space. One of the problems seriously is the breakup of the traditional family and more single people and one parent families living in two houses instead of one. Therefore there are not enough houses to go around and we have a housing price bubble.

Don't Call Me Dave said...


Going off topic, how did you miss this important story:

Buggering a donkey between February and April...that takes stamina!!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Fred, sorry I cn't seem to find your story and it sounds a cracker. Is ther address right?

Don't Call Me Dave said...

Just checked the address again and it works for me!

Don't Call Me Dave said...

Do a Google search for Joseph Squires. It comes up as item no 3

Dark Lochnagar said...

Fred, got it as you will have seen! Thanks.