Pope: Jews not to blame for death of Christ
The Pope has exonerated the Jewish people for the death of Christ, insisting that they must not be collectively blamed for his death

That's all right then. I bet they're relieved they didn't kill an imaginary figure they don't believe in!
Must have been the Buddhists then.
He will be exonerating his old friend hitler next.
The trouble is DL there are millions of ignorant people who believe everything this numpty says and millions of people who believe their own head religious numpty.
Ah banned Buddha was crucified as well so it could not have been them same as Krishna and Mithra and Osiris and Horus and hundreds of other Sun God myths thousands of years BC.
The fact that Jesus is an exact rip-off of these other Sun Gods does not come into it - according to the Christian church it was the Devil that put out all these false stories thousands of years BC. The fact that the Devil is a rip-off from these pagan stories seems not to come into either.
The fact that the Pope and all his hanger ons are all living the good life at the expense of the gullible seems to escape these easily led people.
Banned, I blame the Scientologists personally. It was Cruise wot dun it!
NumbaBumba, They were actually quite pally with the Nazis. In fact Hitler said he was changing from being Jewish, on his Grandmother's side to being a good Caffilinkre boy. Excuse my German there, but I make it my duty to educate.
Billy, as I've said before, Faith is personal, religion is a business, particularly to the Catholic church and having just buried my FiL as a Catholic, believe me I saw it! The Cooncil can bury me, I'll just be worm food anyway and won't give a fuck!
The Pope did it. He's certainly old enough to have been there.
Cynarae, welcome to the blog. Nice to see some more women coming on to balance the pish we get from us men.
If it wasn't him it might have been one of his ancestors. Oh, hold on a minute Christ didn't exist historically. So where does that leave us?
" Pope: Jews not to blame for death of Christ "
Heck you would think the catholics would get with the message. The jews have been saying this for 2,000 yrs as they're still waiting for the real Christ (son of god) to arrive.
SKYpix, everybody is waiting for someone to come and tell them that their nlives are not as bad down here as they thought and if they give plenty of money to the 'church', then someone will see them all right if and when that happens. sounds a good deal to me. It doesn't surprise me the early Christians were Nogstics.
DL, Via, Veritas, Vita.
Seriously as a Catholic, I find your post offensive and will be reporting you to my nearest excorcist as soon as he solves my own personal demons. To be honest, I think your statement about faith being personal and religion a business is one of the best I have heard. And I agree, about Catholicism. The church does a lot but they could do so much more. Imagine all the money tied up in the texts and artworks in the Vatican. You may believe Jesus was imaginary, but supposing he was real. He would want the money spent helping people.
Antonio, I have my beliefs and you have yours and I wouldn't try and change your views. My In Laws are Catholics and having buried my FiL in February the hypocrisy of the Catholic church was there for all who weren't wrapped up in the 'faith' to see. Don't get me wrong the Priest did a decent enough job. My MiL is currently in hospital with what has become pneumonia and I know she is giving up her fight for life in this world because she, IMO, has had her head filled with shite about an afterlife, which she thinks she is going to spend with her husband of 60 years, somewhere up on a cloud at God's right hand. If you heard someone on the TV coming up with a theory like that, they would be carted away by some men in white coats.
I bet when the Gypsy Palm Reader,(thats before they were all shipped east), told him he would be worshipped as a God by millions, who would be told what to do by a elite guard of men in black who were mostly Pederasts, that he would lead an organisation well known for it's anti-semitism and it's adherence to a nonsense book, he would have thought,"Wow, I'm going to lead the German Nation one day, as the political descendant of the Fuhrer? Well he was mostly right. Heil Benedict.
Stephen, The Catholic Church, IMHO, is far more insidious than the Nazis.
My Mil is currently at death's door and as my FiL went, 2 months ago, the Catholic Church is in for another payday. £125 to lie in the Church that they paid into the night before the funeral. £100 cash to the Priest, (nice enough guy though he is),undertakers, hire of hearse etc. The last time it came to £3500 and that was without engraving. Well this time it's my money and they better justify every penny they bare charging.
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