David Cameron was forced into an embarrassing retreat over military action against Libya yesterday as the Coalition announced the biggest cull of the Armed Forces in a generation.
Within 24 hours of announcing that British warplanes might enforce a ‘no-fly zone’ above the crisis-torn state, the Ministry of Defence revealed plans to axe two RAF Tornado squadrons and fire 170 trainee fighter pilots.
Defence Secretary Liam Fox’s decision to axe 11,000 military personnel in four years cast doubt on Britain’s ability to carry out such ambitious missions.

Is there no beginnings to this man's talent for making an arse of foreign policy? I understand it must be difficult for a man brought up on stirring stories about the World Wars and plucky little England's fight against the Hun, but the fuckwit has to realise that these days are over.
He surely, has the real history of what happened. The history of the period is entwined with our friends with the big conks, who I am forbidden to mention unless I bore some of you. These are the people driving Britain and Americas' foreign policy in the region. That must be the biggest and quickest climbdown in Foreign Policy History. What a prick!
Why are we even considering going into Libya? If we do the Arabs will hate us because they'll think, quite rightly, that we're only after their oil. We cosyed up to Gaddafi for years, send Blair in as a peace keeper. It's time we dropped this pretence that we are a world power, fuck me, India and Pakistan have got more nuclear arms than us. We've got NO influence, NO weapons, NO Air force, NO Navy and NO credible Foreign Policy. Oh and keep that Paedo, who is fourth in line of the 'Royal' family, Andrew, here and take away his passport, (if he needs one), before he does any more damage to this country with his Arab Paymasters.
And I'd love to know how they found £3Bn of gaddafis money in UK banks so quickly. It's supposed to be illegal for foreign leaders to secretly stash money in foreign banks yet it took a day to suddenly find all his money. Until we start putting bankers in prison they will keep taking the pish.
Every cloud has a silver lining. I was gobsmacked at how quickly Idave was dismantling UK forces but I'm now glad he did because it guarantees that whatever Barry is told to do in Libya our service personnel will not be getting killed on a fools errand. Dole is much better than death.
As for the utter shit that is T B Liar where the fuck is he hiding?
Is he on a 'sabbatical' while the middle east has a wobble?
Utter uteer shit who should be long dead. There is no justice in this world.
Sounds like that "Beatch" Hillar yesterday--We don't want to look like we are grabbing up Libya's oil"---stoopid Americans--crazy too!
Hillary Clinton that is
Willieboy, Aye as you say better on the dole than dead. Why can't they bring them back from Germany, what the fuck are they still there for? Shut the bases down as keep the ones here, going.
Scott, welcome to the blog. They must think the Arabs are fucking daft. The Americans are so naive that they think the world is waiting for their style of democracy with politicians being bought by interest groups. I would rather be in a tent somewhere in the Sahara than shagging Hilary Clinton, if that's not mixing my metaphors!
When the heroic Libyans have won their revolution it will be fun to see how much of Mandelsons Mystery Millions came from sleazy deals with the Gaddafi mobster clan.
Banned, the oily fuckers will be squeezing out of the floorboards. We kid ourselves, that the west is all good and the rest are all bad. They're all politicians and are out for what they can get. The only difference between Gaddafi and our lot is that he's done it in a bigger way.
Banned, and apart from that, where the fuck is the Middle East peacekeeper, Blair. His money supply will have been severely dented, not that we'll ever hear about it!
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