Wednesday, 15 September 2010


The First Minister of Scotland, neatly gave the Unionist 'quality' press in Scotland a red face yesterday which must have left their Editors foaming at the mouth, like the rabid currs they have become.
On Monday, they were bleating that the Alex Salmond had gone there to meet with some Basque political party that were supposed to have tenuous links to ETA.
However, First Minister Alex Salmond, currently in Bilbao seeking to strengthen Scotland's economic and energy links with the Basque Country, has announced a massive inward investment by Spanish energy company Iberdrola.
The Spanish power giant, who also owns ScottishPower, is to invest £3 billion by way of spend in Scottish businesses over the next two years which will create and maintain thousands of jobs in Scotland.

But, can we find any mention of this great news for Scotland, something really positive in this poor economic climate.  The 'Scotsman', not a fucking jot, at least online and the shiny new 'Herald' has it buried way down it's news stories about George Michael, the Pope and whether some Big Brother contestant, is a shirt-lifter.  Is this all we can expect from the 'quality' press in Scotland?  Stories that should be in a woman's magazine?


subrosa said...

If I read magazines I wouldn't be wanting stories about the Pope in it. :)

Anonymous said...

brilliant, brilliant, brilliant post.

And massive congratulations to the First Minister (and all the ither people who worked on this)for this fantastic job creation scheme which is NOT being funded by the taxpayer.

Thanks too the the Basque government for investing with us.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Rosie, yes OK magazine dos an indepth interview with Il Papa as to what his favourite, 'Dancing on Ice' moment was.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Tris, aye he's led them a merry dance and it is great news, but watch the bastards, they will have their revenge.

INCOMING!!!!!!! said...

DL hopefully it'll keep the street lighting on your way. Unlike down here where the street lights are dimming. It is going to be a crap Mad Max world, no V8s, just Vauxhall diesels.

BTW is his Firstness gazing at a Rubens do you think? He's got an enigmatic smile playing upon his lips.

Right I hope that all made sense I typed it with my eyes closed. Diane's ekanf a ....k... Phekk eyes shut again.


Nikostratos said...

Our Iain said after the next election and he is firmly ensconced in Bute House..........

To show his appreciation to Alex he will send him a nice shiny medal in the post

Dark Lochnagar said...

INCOMING!!! I have been doing this blog for nearly two years and in all that time I haven't understood one word, you have said, so please don't expect me to try and work it out if you're not looking! The delight in your comments is trying to work out what, you are saying! All these Dutch Masters have an enigmatic smile, it was seemingly because of their rotten teeth, which they didn't want to expose to the artiste. I shouldn't imagine Il Papa has a poor health plan though.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Nico, nae chance and in much the same way that Alex thanked oor Jack for the big event which straddled administrations, 'The Homecoming'. What a sucess that as!

Anonymous said...

Nonsense: Salmond is dining with terrorists; that's what sectarianism resorts to when it can't get its way through persuasive argument - It's just a matter of time!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Anonymous, how can it be sectarian to love one's own country?

Sad waste of time and money said...

Bit of a disaster for Scotland. £3Bn thrown away on the climate change scam. The Spanish company 'Scottish Power' will get all their money back with interest. I wish the money was invested in useful projects like Hydro, Nuclear and coal fired power stations. I wonder what history will make of this waste of time and money.

Maddox's secret lovechild said...

" The 'Scotsman', not a fucking jot, at least online "

They did have story about it. With some lively discussion in the comments section.

Maddox's secret lovechild said...

Yes here it is..

Dark Lochnagar said...

Wasters, Aye possibly, but at least it will create 25,000 jobs.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Maddox bastard child! I stand corrected. I see Daddy's boyfriend, Hamish O'Donnell, did a wee Unionist hatchet job in the Mail today. It's getting worse than the 'Hootsman'!