Saturday, 20 February 2010


Fenland District Council in Cambridgeshire is investigating four allegations against John West, the Mayor of March, including that he "brandished a cigarette 30 centimetres from the face of two officers on two separate occasions".

He said the only incident to which he could imagine that the allegations referred was one Saturday morning last autumn when he helped council officers clear weeds from outside March station, during which he smoked.   He commented: "I do realise that as a smoker I'm the biggest pariah out there, but I don't think it's illegal to smoke outside – yet.

QUITE RIGHT TOO.  FOR FUCK'S SAKE FENLAND D.C., GET A LIFE!  John West's tinned salmon is delicious.


subrosa said...

This is how ridiculous this country has become. Guess who pays for all this too?

smoked salmond is nice said...

I notice his name was John West. Don't they only smoke the best ?

banned said...

Its just typical of the way that paid officials have usurped the powers of local elected representatives who can now only do what they are told they can or can't do by the Directors Of The Directorates; unable to vote on any issue in which they are deemed to have a "prejudicial interest" even if they have been elected soley on that issue.

7.62mm on fully automatic said...


Que ?

Dark Lochnagar said...

Smokers, yes John West only pick the best, redeye Salmon from the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean just off Newfoundland, Canada where the mighty glaciers flow into the sea and waters are free from pollution well apart from a wee bit of mercury which comes from the industrial waste process that turns old rubber and car batteries from their constituent states into Nickel Candiundum by burning which also creates the additional problem of air borne poll which falls into the sea as arsenic which the fish eat before the John West fishing boats catch them by using pelagic nets which 'trawl' them from underneath meaning that the poor polluted fish die a horrible death so you can give them to your cat, you bastard.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, you're right.

Dark Lochnagar said...

7.62 mm, here we don't want any of you foriegn fuckers here. There's a perfectly good translating widget at the top of the page if you can't talk the Queen's English.