Although I find it difficult to criticise a former Ayr United player, has the DRINK-SODDEN FUCKWIT taken leave of what little sense he has left if his recent interviews are taken into account.
Does he honestly think that the SNP are the majority party at Westminster. Does he not realise that LABOUR HAVE LET DOWN GLASGOW FOR 74 YEARS? The population of GLASGOW have been KEPT POOR TO ENSURE THEY VOTE FOR LABOUR! How much of his many, many millions is he donating to the people of Glasgow N.E.
And finally, does WILLIE BAIN believe that an endorsement from someone who PLAYED FOR RANGER F.C. is going to help him in PREDOMINATELY CATHOLIC GLASGOW N.E.?
Well said well said. Hey summit else, I always thought we were told to keep politics out of sport?
I think Alex Ferguson needs some cuntatude on that cunt blog!!!
Does willie bain have any influence over who supports him, it's clearly once again a bankrolled campaign from London.
Labour won't be able to do that in a general election.
Spooks, he's always mixed the two. He thinks just because he was brought up in Govan he has to pander to his working class roots. It's plainly ludicrous for a man who is worth fuck knows how many millions to take that attitude. If he is so concerned he can give away his fortune like the great Scots of the past, Carnegie etc to help the people of Glasgow. But we'll see the sun disappear before that happens. Socialist cunt!
Wardog, your right but it is still galling that they can win in Glasgow N.E. with all the problems they have inherited there from Labour over 74 years. It's typical of the Unionist Parties to muddy the waters with Holyrood policies for a Westminster election, they did the same in Glenrothes.
Ah Foulksy you have appeared out the woodwork. I forgot you are a bit of an expert on football teams. I seem to remember you were the chairman and apologist for Hearts and their Lithuanian owner who was going to win the Champions League in 5 years, er, 5 years ago. If you see Alex in the constituency this week pop into one of the locals for a wee chablis and compare notes!
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