Initial research indicates the at the winners are a Mr G. Brown of Fife and a Mr A. Darling of Edinburgh and the Western Isles.
If the couple turn out to be elected Government Ministers then Camelot are obligated to turn over the money immediately to good causes as elected Politicians are not allowed to participate in the Lottery in case of a bribes scandal.
Having spent too much time up their own chuff they won't recognise the soft foot fall, prevalent in most 50's cinema, of shadow ninja coming to butt fuck them side ways with a hot wire brush.
How come we know what the fuck is happening and they don't?
Sir Fred, you're right. How is your life of luxury progressing. Are you syill shagging the wife or have you found something more interesting. She gets half the pension rememeber.
Incoming!!!!! Never mind the hot wire brush. what about the red hot poker right up the Kyber.
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