Saturday, 7 November 2009


Drinks firm Scottish and Newcastle, owners of the FOSTERS lager brand are to manufacture 1.8 million glasses with the information that each glass contains 2.3 units of alcohol.

I think that this is a VERY WORTHWHILE and RESPONSIBLE IDEA. Because it will give the people who drink this PSEUDO AUSTRALIAN SHITE the excuse to switch their custom to a beer that doesn't taste like FUCKING WOMBAT PISS!


Anonymous said...

ah ha ha ha ha ha

banned said...

Imagine the scene, a 17 year old has managed to trick his way to the bar and is presented with the Govt. mandated information.
"This pint contains 2.3 units of scary alcohol whereas This pint contains 2.7 units of alcohol", for just a couple of pennies more . What would You decide ?

An Oz cousin explained to me why it is that they are happy to supply crap fake Oz beer to UK when they make perfectly good stuff for their home market. Why would they bother to supply the good stuff when we are quite happy buying the rubbish ?
Fair dinkum.

The Young Oligarch said...

All I can say to that is " Castlemaine XXXX".

Dark Lochnagar said...

Wardog you sound more like a real ale man to me.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Funnily enough Banned, it's not a government initiative but an S&N one. Which sound strange, why would they really want to promote sensible drinking. The most successful drinks campaign in Ireland was for murphy's, which said Drink Murphy's, it makes you drunk! Sounds good to me.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Oli, I think that's Koala pish!

A Doctor writes said...

I seem to remember that these units of alcohol and how much was safe to drink were plucked out of thin air in a panicked response to binge drinking.
From an article in the Times in 2007...

" Mr Smith, a former Editor of the British Medical Journal, said that members of the working party were so concerned by growing evidence of the chronic damage caused by heavy, long-term drinking that they felt obliged to produce guidelines. “Those limits were really plucked out of the air. They were not based on any firm evidence at all. It was a sort of intelligent guess by a committee,” he said.

So it's all bollox.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Doctor Wright. I remember attending a BUPA checkup 35 years ago when I could still afford it and when I told the Doctor I was drinking 25 units a day never mind a week he just about fell off his seat and told me I would be dead by 50. Well I'm 55, so I beat the cunt for 5 years!