Saturday, 5 February 2011


The latest revelation from Wikileaks is the most damaging so far to the Anglo-American Special Relationship. The disclosure in The Telegraph today that the Obama Administration “secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britain’s nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty” points to an astonishing betrayal of America’s closest friend and ally, that may have significant implications for the relationship between David Cameron and Barack Obama.
According to The Telegraph report:
Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week.
Defence analysts claim the agreement risks undermining Britain’s policy of refusing to confirm the exact size of its nuclear arsenal. A series of classified messages sent to Washington by US negotiators show how information on Britain’s nuclear capability was crucial to securing Russia’s support for the “New START” deal.
Although the treaty was not supposed to have any impact on Britain, the leaked cables show that Russia used the talks to demand more information about the UK’s Trident missiles, which are manufactured and maintained in the US.

We need America's permission to fire the things and we can't do so,  without that permission.  So  what's this 'independent' nuclear deterrent shite? Why are we spending  £Billions on a system that we can't fire and now is going to be known, all about by the Russians?  Can we not share them with France?  We seem to share everything else!  We should withdraw from this 'global power' nonsense and concentrate our efforts defending our shores against illegal immigration, forced on us by the EU.  Then we would be able to hold our heads high again in the world and not be seen as a second rate 'Superpower'.



Amusing Bunni said...

This sure sucks. I wonder what Cam is going to do about it! Probably whine that it's "unacceptable" and stamp his feet.

Toni said...

Ha, I have long believed America cares little for the UK. A "special relationship" normally means one person getting fucked by the other and no prizes for guessing who the bitch is here. You only have to look at the hysterical reaction the yanks had when BP screwed up in the Gulf of Mexico compared to their rather forced apologies when Union Carbide killed thousands in Bhopal. BP seems to inspire real wrath in America, when I first started work the privatisation of BP was unfortunately timed around the stock market crash and the Americans were most displeased that the deal may not get done. Of course you are correct when you point out the absurdity of buying missiles we are not allowed to fire but I suppose the R&D costs have to be shared by someone to keep the Lockheed Martins share price up. No doubt the joint strike fighters we are buying will also come with a break glass in case of emergency box attached.

Dioclese said...

I agree totally. See :


Remember - BO stinks!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Bunni, Yes, he'll jump up and down along with Cleggy and maybe have a good cry on each other's shoulder. But it's only part of the great plan anyway.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Antonio, as they work towards globalisation this kind of deal is going to become the norm. A few thousand brown people are by the by. We should just twin with the Frenchies or someone who has our attitude to the EU, (Iceland would be a good strategic country for position)and throw out failed asylum seekers and then defend our borders. We can't afford Trident anyway.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Greekers, aye I suppose that's what happens when you elect a Socialist. I was kind of Obama neutral, but now I'm leaning towards anti.

joetote said...

If this is proven top be true, the U.S. is done as a perceived world leader! If this President has in fact done what is charged in the leaked cables, he must be impeached immediately! As Pat asked above. Were the people in the Senate notified as required of this action? If so, why did the Senate vote to allow this to happen? Or is it possible this is another "we didn't read the entire thing" moment? If in fact the leaders of the Senate did in fact have knowledge of this action then they to should be brought up on charges!

Again, this is alleged but something I feel is in line with the actions of this Marxist we now have in the White House. Very scary!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Joetote, welcome to the blog. Any impechment would have of course have to be done in the States. This mealy mouthed bastard here will only wring his hands and make it known that he's not pleased. Of course that will make fuck all difference.

We maintain here what is supposed to be an independent nuclear capacity, which some of us know is shite, because we can't fire them without Obama's permission. I suppose he reckons, as I do, that Britain is finished as a World power, as America is fast becoming, so he better get in with the Russians before the Chinese take over.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, yes, I too love the Yanks, naive though many of them are that have never been outside their own country or bothered to explore outside their parameters on the internet.

"control freak fuck". You say the nicest things. :)

smelly fartpants said...

Things could be worse I suppose. Imagine living in a country like malawi where you get thrown in prison for cracking a smelly one off in public..

Dark Lochnagar said...

Spidey, I'm actually surprised he's lasted as long. The left weren't long in shooting Reagan. Maybe the gun happy right aren't the men they seem to think they are.

freedom lost said...

Don't mention 'jungle drums'. I mentioned them once but didn't get away with it..

Dark Lochnagar said...

Freedom lost, slavery gained. Yes, I noticed that story. I would hate to work for a large company, because I would last about two minutes. I have a friend whp has worked for Shell for 40 years on the rigs, but his career and retirement has been blighted by some Nigerian lassie who acussed him of racialism and made a complaint. If you knew him, you would know how ridiculous that was.