Thursday, 17 December 2009


Record numbers of employees are working part-time because their bosses cannot afford to pay full-time salaries, official figures revealed yesterday.  There are now 6.6million employees working part-time, the highest number since records began.

Many are being given an ultimatum by their bosses that they must forfeit their full-time jobs and go part-time, or be made redundant.  In other cases, employees are desperately looking for full-time work, but can only find a part-time job which they have no choice but to accept despite the lower salary.  The figures, published by the Office for National Statistics, show unemployment rose modestly by 21,000 to 2.49million in the three months to October. But the situation is actually much worse, experts warned.

The number of full-time employees plunged by 85,000 during the same period, while part-time employees increased by 123,000.

The Labour Party will be pleased as punch to see the figures falling, BUT IN REALITY, Britain is becoming a PART TIME ECONOMY with more than one in three WORKING PART-TIME.  That doesn't support the life style of a HARD WORKING FAMILY and if they receive TAX CREDITS they are being subsidised by the people who pay INCOME TAX.  Not their fault but just an economic fact of life.  IT SEEMS TO ME THAT THERE ARE FEWER AND FEWER PEOPLE PAYING FOR AN EVER INCREASING UNDERCLASS.  SOMETHING'S GOT TO GIVE!


Bob said...

You forgot to mention that one part of the workforce is staying full time. And getting a pay rise aswell. And their pensions are still guaranteed. Oh and the UK has increased this part of the workforce by one million since 1997. And despite increasing the workforce by one million they have actually reduced their ability to deliver. Have you worked it out yet ?
Yes the public sector. It sucks the economy dry. Is full of non jobs ( see Gruinad for blue sky thinkers on £35K plus expenses for a fuller picture).
And while the pound collapses to 35% less than last year. And while our debt rises to $1.4trillion . And while Gordon gives India£600m and Global warming £1Bn. And writes off 3rd world debt. And wages war with Afghanistan and Iraq. And has ID cards at £1Bn. NHS computers and Trident at £30Bn we still print money to bail out the banks. £300Bn and rising.
Something has to give.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Bob, an excellent comment, thank you. Yes something has to give. They just seem to able to throw money around like confetti. They reckon that Darling is disguising the cost of debt repayment which is estimated to be £66 billion. We talk in trillions now like it was nothing. Any idea just how much money that is? Please come again.

Bob said...

Yes sadly that £66billion is only the annual INTEREST on our debts. We have £1,400,000,000,000 to pay back.
Yet Gordon walks around Copenhagen handing out a few billion here and there like it is worthless and will never need to be repaid. Our banks were supposedly too big to fail yet the scariest thing is nothing has been done to save them. Billions have been pumped in with no effect so the result is that in a year they will fail properly and it will be a catastrophe.

banned said...

Good stuff Bob, and while he's sloshing out our money to all and sundry he raids the MODs coffers again so that we won't be able to defend ourselves next time we get involved in a proper war.
Back o/t, I used to think that sharing the pain by going to short-time ( part-time) working was a good thing since it might minimise job losess during a relativly short recession. It is of course being used to hide the full extent of the problem and the Govt likes it because a) they don't have to pay them the dole and b) it traps ever more workers in the poverty trap scam known as Working Family Tax Credits.

Labour like people to be poor because poor people vote Labour, dunno why.

Punchwho? said...

For years we have watched our economy getting bigger and bigger through the inherently fickle financial services industries. They could take stupid risks with our money because they KNEW the Government could not let them fail. Blair and Brown were happy to see them boom (even though boom and bust had been eradicated)and rake in the tax revenues that followed.

Our standing in the world as a major economy (albeit one built on sand) meant we could act as if we were a major power - which we no longer are.

There was a good line in the TV show 'The Wire' "we used to make stuff in this country, now we just got our hand in the other guys pocket"

Now we are kidding ourselves that there is light at the end of the tunnel because of one set of highly dubious unemployment figures. We measure unemployment differently here to anywhere else. If we were to measure the employment rates as a % of total population I'm sure we would get a different picture.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Bob, yes he reminds me of someone about to go bankrupt. I've been near the situation a couple of times and you would just max out everything, because if you're going to go you might as well go for a right few bob. As I said a few posts ago, why doesn't he give the money to Scotland or English regions so they can develop alternative power generation techniques like wind power etc. This would create sustainable jobs and the technology could later be sold to these 3rd world countries. If you give them handouts they'll just get salted away in some dictator's account in Switzerland.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, trouble with family tax credits is who is going to pay them in the long run. You can't just keep handing money out, will nilly without there being consequences. We know that from our own private lives and it is no different for the government.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Punchers, The worst thing they did was to take the control away from the Bank of England. Before that the banks had to present their plans th them for approval. If their gearing wasn't right and they were lending excessive amounts they got hauled back in again. You're right about the unemployment figure. I remember years ago the Scottish Secretary, Willie Ross who happened to be the MP for the town next to mine saying that is Scottish Unemployment reached 100,000 he would resign, but it never got above 90,000. Now it is well over 100,000 and that as you say is calculating it by the NEW CALCULATION. Christ knows what it would be under the old figures.

Anonymous said...

Labour are also fiddling the Job Seekers Allowance true figures by sending most of then to so called "New Deal Training Schemes" and thus labelling them as in training where as the truth is they are still unemployed.

The new deal schemes are another story and a huge scandal blogged else where.

Punchwho? said...

Not to mention the tens or possibly hundreds of thousands of people who don't claim jobseekers allowance because they either don't want to or don't have to.

If I'm prudent with my money whilst I'm working and save enough to tide me over in the event of unemployment ( a lesson this bunch of dickheads should have learnt) and I then lose my job, I AM STILL OUT OF WORK BUT NOT UNEMPLOYED according to the government.

Still you wouldn't expect a bunch of self seving fuckwits who can't tell the difference between a main home and a spare room to work that out can you?

INCOMING!!!!!!! said...

There is no work DL. Only serfdom.

Look at every tax munching twat that is on a quango, UN mission, NGO fartfinding stunt, MP, Cowbuttbelching summit and peace negotiation. All serfs ,cos if they voiced their own thoughts or even had any they'd be on the street with the rest of us pronto.

Work, real work, is where you can earn a crust and have no one take it away from you for disagreeing.

Winston said...

All the MPs. MSP's and office hangers on will be ok if they're sacked or voted out at elections. They just slide sideways into some quango and mark time for a few years. Jobs for the boys is the way things work. The more quangos and non jobs they create the easier it is for them to survive being out of office.

Stout Heart said...

Ok you Scottish numpties, of the 59 Members of Parliament that are elected in Scotland 50 are either Stalinist Labourites or useless LibDems.

Wise up, kick them out, without the Scottish Labour MP’s the Socialists would have been on the scrapheap years ago and Scotland would have been benefiting from an English financial renaissance.

There is 1 Tory MP in the whole of Scotland – OK they made a mess but nothing compared to this lot that are in at the moment.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Lorenzo, they have been massaging the figures since they were in before Maggie Thatcher. They all do it BTW but Labour are the worst. They just change the way of counting it and say "oh look it's fallen" My arse.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Punchwho. The boy next door to me got laid off his 'training scheme' when it finished. He had just rented a house, but gets the rent paid because he is claiming job seekers. They wanted him to take a job 30 miles away for £20 less than he is getting in benefits and he had to pay his own transport. (just a shite min. wage one BTW). Doesn't make sense!

Dark Lochnagar said...

INCOMING!!!!, I've always ran my own company or been self employed apart from 3 years when I was employed as a sales manager. I was fucking rolling in it. Mind you I was getting less than I was previously with the same company as a Salesman. Again doesn't make sense!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Winston, I was listening to Vine on Radio2 the other day and he was asking if it was better to be working in the private or public sector. The public sector beats it hands down. No sackings, regular pay increases and a nice final salary pension scheme. Luvly Jubbly.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Stout Heart. I would much rather see the Tories than those labour fuckpigs any day. I just wish you English numpties had the ability to elect an English PM. Is there no one suitable?

Get Angry said...

There is a way out of this of course. We could all work in the public sector! I think that's been found to work very well in the past. Communism is the way ahead.
In fact within a few years China will be the largest economy in the world so that proves just how fantastic it is surely?

Fucking brilliant I am.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Get Angry. Why the fuck are you not running the country. If we all worked in the public sector that would be brilliant, but would that not mean that we had to pay 100% tax to fund wages? Apart from the billions we get from oil of course but we could buy some time share with that and we could get a wee week away every 40 years! What do you think?

Get Angry said...

DL - We may be onto something here.

It's the perfect system. Pay yourself as much you like, knowing that it is all accounted for. As long as there is a time lag between the money you receive and the money you have to pay out you can carry on for ever.

Oh no - bollocks, some clever sod already thought of that one. Can't think of his name. Looks a bit like a badger with piles? Got a one eyed, miserable,slack jawed mate? No .......... it's gone.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!