Charles used the £1,019-an-hour Queen’s Flight so he could deliver a keynote speech to the climate change conference, flying back after less than three hours. The Prime Minister chartered a 185-seat Airbus to take him and 20 aides to Denmark for their four-day trip. By using private planes, both Charles and Mr Brown produced more carbon emissions – which is blamed for global warming – than would have been generated by taking a scheduled flight.
To be fair Mr Dark with jonah Browns curse would you travel on the same aircraft as him ? Thought not.
The curse has brought carnage to Copenhagen. An unusually cold snap, Climate conference president resigning, riots with 1,000 arrests, PM and other leaders in lockdown and no sign of agreement between large and small nations. A truly evil curse indeed.
DL I think Charlie's flight was powered by distilled peasant sweat, serf fart and squeezed winos. He's at least trying.
Whereas jumbo is just trying in the extreme.
Curser, I would be in trapedation of flying with Jonah, but then again if he went down with him, so to speak, then who the fuck would miss him. He's not going to be King anyway, his mother will abdicate to one of the boys! A few trees might miss him and maybe a building carbunkle or two. Camilla! No I don't think so, she'll soon get some nice farmer with plenty of dosh to service her.
INCOMING!!!! Gordy is taking the piss, big style. Charles's is probably powered by some excess manure from the home farm, what!
Charley is usually OK in my book but on this issue he's just being a cunt. Since when did being a Prince make anyone an expert on climatology?
As for Gordon, well he's just a cunt all the time.
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