Thursday, 19 November 2009


There follows a comment on Tory Chairman, Eric Pickle's blog on which most of the comments are criticising Cameron's backtracking on Europe.

Ok moaners, you have made your point, Go ahead and vote elsewhere and condemn the rest of the country to another disastrous five years of Mr Brown.  The Lisbon Treaty exists, ratified by every EU country including ours. Blame Brown not Cameron for this, including no referendum for our voters before we ratified it.  The issue of a future vote on withdrawing from the EU is another question needing probably a year of informed debate. I suspect most people would opt for the status quo rather than face an uncertain future of UK on its own. Comparisons with the Norway solution is wishful thinking. Norway has a population only the size of Birmingham and massive oil and gas reserves in the North Sea, plus hydo-electric power.



Major Fuckup (retd) said...

Since cast iron Dave refused to give us a referendum on the EU I don't think people give a monkeys who gets in next time. Nothing will change. Just different troughers in charge.
There's nothing to stop him giving us a referndum. In fact there's nothing stopping us just pulling out of the EU without any consultation.
His foisting of that Truss woman on Norfolk shows what he thinks of local democracy. He loves it as long as he gets the right answer.
At least voters can't say that they weren't warned when he gets in next year.

Anonymous said...

nice one DL but I just wish that snp would start shoving out the figures for Scotlands turnover estimated at between £160 billion and £200 billion per year why do we struggle on a £30 billion handout and then get called subsidy junkies

Don't Call Me Dave said...


The Conservatives have said they will keep the 50% tax rate. They have now gone back on their word over Europe. If they win the election, how will they be different from what we have now? If voting Conservative can’t bring you a Conservative government, what’s the point?

I rather suspect that Cameron wants to throw the election and let Labour struggle on for a few more years rather than having to try and sort this mess out.

As for Pa Broon, you can be sure that if by some miracle, Labour do hold on to power, he will be immediately deposed the day after the election.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Major Fuckup, can I take it from your stern tone you're not a great Cameron supporter. Are we talking of the Turnip Taleban in Norfolk, quite an unfortunate media phrase considering our soldiers are fighting the real thing in bongoland, what!
Seriously though if I was in England, I think I would be seriously thinking of voting UKIP even if Farage has resigned tempoararily as leader.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Anonymous, it seems to me to be ironic that the majority of the English would probably vote against the EC becasue they make all the laws and rule over them yet they don't understand the Scottish peoples' desire, (at least some of us), to be free from English control.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Fred, I don't think there is a lot of difference between the parties except that the Tories are less authoritanian and at least amongst the grass roots are more sceptical over Europe. UKIP will be a huge problem for the Tories at the next election IMO.
I have been telling people for ages to get money on Labour and a hung parliament as a backup because the Tories need the biggest swing in history to get elected and I don't think the core Labour vote has been coming out at the Euro elections etc but they will in a GE. I've toild people on this blog to back Labour three or four times and you can still get 8/1. Easy money back them on the exchanges and you can lay them and make money either way when the price shortens, as it will.

Don't Call Me Dave said...


As a former Conservative Association Chairman, I can tell you that Conservative Central Office (or whatever they call themselves this week) would put Stalin to shame, such is their ruthless desire for control. Don’t be fooled into thinking that local associations are independent. They are only independent if they do what they are told!

I agree that UKIP will cause problems just as the Referendum Party did in 1997. If I lived in Buckingham, I would certainly vote for Nigel Farage to try and remove the odious trougher Bercow.

I would dearly love to see a right of centre libertarian Conservative government elected, but that simply isn’t going to happen with Cameron in control. The loyalty of many Tory voters is going to be sorely tested at the election. We know that Brown and Darling messed up the economy, but who really thinks that Boy George is the person to fix it?

As for your comments to Anon, as an Englishman I don’t have a problem with Scotland seeking an independence referendum as long as we English can have one as well! We’ll still be keeping the oil mind you! ;-)

Dark Lochnagar said...

Fred, I once was highish up in the local Tory constituency committee so I know what you mean. They tried to palm us off with a woman who was totally wrong and we just managed to get shot of her. The Boy George certainly doesn't fill me with confidence, he looks like a typical Eton schoolboy, in fact he looks as if he mightstill be at school. Of course England can have independence from Wales when we go and the good thing is that as the UK is no longer an entity we can leave the EC or renegociate our membership! Mind you we're keeping oor oil!:-)

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