PRIME MINISTER, GORDON BROWN was embroiled in a new row last night when his Grandad, BOB BROWN 94, THREATENED TO SEND BACK HIS WAR MEDALS over a row about his winter fuel allowance in 2007.
Bob who saw action on three continents during six years serving his country was ONE DAY LATE moving into his flat in 2007 and wasn't paid his winter fuel allowance.
"My GRANDSON IS A TIGHT FUCKER" he told us yesterday, "the fuckwit can spend MILLIONS ON BAILING OUT HIS MISTAKES IN THE ECONOMY yet he can't pay me my winter fuel allowance"
Despite the fact that Bob's medals which aren't particularly rare, could be sold for nearly £25 on the open market, he is determined to send them back to Downing Street. "I told my daughter not to marry the TIGHT PRESBYTERIAN FUCKWIT but she wouldn't listen. She would have been better marrying that BLIND BASTARD THAT USED TO HANG ABOUT WITH BROWN, mind you his GUIDE DOG COULD FART FOR ENGLAND. What a FUCKING SMELL IT MADE". At least he always blamed the dog, but I always SUSPECTED IT WAS THAT SHIRTLIFTER, PETER MANDELSON WHO WAS ALWAYS "MINCING" ABOUT WITH THE LADS!
" "I told my daughter not to marry the TIGHT PRESBYTERIAN FUCKWIT .
So would it not be Bob Macauley his father in law rather than Bob Brown his grandfather ?
Somebody, I believe it was Browns marrying into Browns. A rare ocurrence I grant you, but there are a lot of Browns in Fife indeed at one time they were going to call it Brownshire until somebody and it could have been an ancestor of yours, pointed it that it sounded fucking stupid. So please check your facts first before you question the validity of the editorial content! Lol
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