Thursday, 1 April 2010


It is a giant travelling circus that has spent 20 years touring some of the world’s most exotic locations — Bali, Marrakesh, Barcelona, Rio, Buenos Aires — all at taxpayers’ expense.  But the good times may soon be over for the 20,000 bastards who attend the annual climate change summit because the Government wants to reduce its carbon footprint by choosing a permanent location.

I've got an idea.  Why don't they go somewhere FUCKING COLD, IN WINTER, so they can experience, first hand, GLOBAL WARMING, (my big fat arse)!  ANTARTICA would be my choice!


wee boaby said...

I'd make the fuckers live in my mums flat for a few weeks. Spend their time wondering whether they should switch on another bar of the electric fire.
Too proud to say they're struggling a bit with the heating bills.
Cold will kill a lot more people than global warming if these fuckers ever take control.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Boabs, that sounds an ideal place for them, but 20,000?

wee boaby said...

Maybe have to do them all in shifts. 20,000 people believe all that global warming shite ? Amazing.

banned said...

Copenhagen put the mockers on the fuckers ever going somewhere cold again. How about somewhere with plenty of empty real estate, Chicago perhaps or even Londons soon to be white elephant Olympic Village?

Dark Lochnagar said...

Boabs, If you were being told that you were being flown to a five star hotel in Cancun, probably first class and it was all expenses paid. Would you not belive in it for two weeks too? I think I might!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, yes but they are not experiencing the effects of Global Warming. Like the glaciers that aren't melting or the Polar Bears which aren't dying. I don't think so many would be so keen to go if it was for instance in Greenland in winter. So therefore the 'carbon footprint' would be reduced.