Friday, 2 April 2010




McGonagall said...

Ah the advantages of a modern British education.

subrosa said...

DL, where did you get that photae o' me oan the beach? Eh telt that bloke tae get rid o' a the negatives. :(

Anonymous said...

Road markings, bloody photoshop should be banned.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Scunnert, that's what you get after 13 years of Labour. The ones that can speak English can't spell!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Rosie, I hope you appreciate me putting the banner over your nether regions and covering up your modesty to the the fact that you were bottomless!

Dark Lochnagar said...

TractorStats, welcome. Aye the road markings could make you drive into a field.

Tcheuchter said...

Oh dearie me, surely you know this is the Anglicised spelling of "Cheherh 'nchlehaph", the well known invitation here in the West to park upon the yellow line.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Tcheuchter, The last time I was up in Lewis, I had enough trouble trying to work out the different names for 'upper' and 'lower'. To my shame, I might add. So much so that I bought some cassetes on the boat back to Ullapool, but unfortunately I didn't do much with them. I can speak a fair bit of Spanish and I had absolutely nothing in Gaelic to relate to. Very difficult.

banned said...

Here's another one for, from todays Sunday Telegraph online

Usefull sign

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, excellent I must move there. Where is it Romania?

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