Wednesday, 27 July 2011


I urge those of you with any intelligence to have a shufty at this article from GLOBAL REASEARCH


Billy Carlin said...

They forgot to mention the nearly $4 billion missing from the Pentagon that was being investigated the records of which just happened to be where the missile, sorry plane, hit and destroyed.

Plus they forgot to mention the $billions in major fraud that was being ivestigated against the Stock Exchange, companies and individuals the records of which just happened to be in Building 7 when it was turned to dust with Direct Energy Weapons, sorry, hit by the plane.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Billy, yes very considerate of them!

Billy Carlin said...

Sorry DL - Made a mistake. Building 7 was not hit by anything - apparently it was a wee fire that caused it to just collapse and the BBC managed to announce that it had collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did - wonder how they knew?

Dark Lochnagar said...

Billy, I remember that. It wasn't Robert Peston that announced it was it?

Billy Carlin said...

Can't remember the name of the newsreader offhand but he cut to the female reporter over in NY who siad that's right John or whatever and started reporting on how the building collapsed - only the building was still standing behind her and they eventually cut back to the newsreader in the UK when they realised their mistake.

Of course the BBC cannot comment on that now because they have lost the tapes of that although it is splattered all over the internet.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Billy, aye just another of the dodgy things about that day in general. I was at my elderly other's that day and my eye was caught to the portable which was on over her shoulder with the sound turned down, when I saw a recording of the first plane hitting. Like everyone else at the time, I took things at face value.

McGonagall said...

Dark Lochnagar said...

McGonners, nice one.