This sanctimonious fucker claims to be standing up for the 'poor, downtrodden' masses, currently being massacred by the very dictators that America has stood by for 30 years, despite their crimes against American interests. This as well as having killed hundreds of thousands in Iraq and Afghanistan, countries that they invaded with Britain's help to secure oil and gas supplies predominately for the U.S. Why don't they tell the truth? The people of the Western World would fully understand us invading countries to secure our oil supplies, at least before it runs out, as it will.
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Clinton’s words somehow make it through what must be the tortuous process of being delivered with monumental fake morality without the lady falling off the stage in hysterical laughter. She should be getting an Oscar.

‘We believe in freedom, peace and self-determination for all people …’

‘… Haaahhhhhhh … fooled yah – only kidding …’
Perhaps for all people except the citizens of the United States most of whom appear to be working in prisons for nothing to provide the military with equioment?
Frankie, as a man who knows the workings of the Establishment, what can the common man do to take back their liberty from these fuckers? A profound question, one might think,but as you ponder over it, also consider this, would you give Hilary one?
Dear Dear DL - First Wendy Alexander now Hilary Clinton - is it a women in power thing?
I'm not too sure of Hilary but I definately would not give Wendy one.
Isn't she a three pound note? I would say she was. Certainly portrayed as one in 'Primary Colors'.
Billy, I'm not going to tell you about the erotic dream I once had about Thatcher, 30 years ago and that bint that John Major was shagging was OK. You just don't fancy the succulent Wendy, because she represents Paisley.
Gordo, I remember her in 'Primary Colours'. Was she not the one taking it from a GI Joe in the basket market?
That top photo of Hillary.
I congratulate you on your superb PhotoShop skills. Few of your readers could recognise it was actually a snap of her giving Bill a BlowJob.
Couldn't care about Wendy's politics DL but I have seen her in the flesh many times at polling counts here in Paisley - no thanks!
It's rumoured that Bill Clinton only had a 5 and a half inch penis. Hillary is the one that should be getting her end away not Bill. Maybe see has just seen Obama's black mamba and thinks, "When you seen black, there ain't no turning back". lol. Actually I'll take that back, Obama has no balls at all. And the only prick he has is his Vice President.
In your neck of the woods, you can now get free pills for that sort of problem.
We here, in the metrosexual heartland, still have to pay for our pleasures.
Billy, you leave me shocked and stunned. Here was me thinking she was a wee sex bomb, if in a bit of a mumsy way, and now you have disillusioned me. Tell me, those lips weren't made for blow jobs. Mind you her teeth are a bit squint. You'd think with all those campaign dollars she was getting she could get a decent dentist.
Stephen, five and a half inches? That big eh? Lucky bastard. Mine's actually twelve inches, but I don't use it as a rule. The old ones are the best!
BTW, Obama has an administration full of pricks and I bet they're all circumcised!
Smokers, that's what you guys don't understand about devolution. If we have free prescriptions we have to lose it somewhere else, like for instance, the prison budget, quid pro quo or status quo, as they say down your way.
'Snot for me to tell the Kunt Kicker his jub but clearly Clinton needs a visit.
Banned, I would say that was on the cards!
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