Saturday 19 February 2011


I read Gordon Lawrie's Open letter to SR readers and Mr Salmond (SR, 16 February), (a fine read, Ed!), suggesting that we should forget independence and by implication become unionists. Mr Salmond is well able to look after himself and will no doubt reply if he sees fit.
     In so far as the letter is also addressed to myself as a reader I would seek to persuade that another perspective may be taken. For many like myself the problem with the unionist position is the marked absence of national self-esteem.
     It does not break unionist hearts that their position implies that Scotland's potentially unique, distinctive, and independent voice would never, never, be heard in the European Parliament or in the United Nations.
     Their opposition underlines the fact that unionist politicians have absolutely no desire to represent Scotland in the wider stage of world politics and demonstrates a singular lack of healthy ambition both for themselves and their country.
     They are content to paddle about in the parochialisms of devolved politics, are happy to forswear playing a personal and representative part in the international forums of a larger world and to remain oblivious to the fact that inter-nationalism implies the existence of nationalism.
     It is not that their vision for themselves and their country is too big; it is simply too small.

George Mossman


Anonymous said...

'Scotland' is just the name for a farm owned by our Masters.

We are all cattle.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Anonymous, that we are or would be. Some of us however, aren't going to go down without a fight. They are few and we are millions. I want a country, small though it may be, where our politicians are close to the people as originally intended in that other shite hole of rats, Westminster, the 'Best Club in London'. Well they can stick it up their arse.