Saturday, 21 August 2010


  • NORMAL: Usual, Ordinary, Regular
  • ANTONYM TO NORMAL: Strange, Unusual, Abnormal
To former vicar Colin Coward, it is nothing short of a marriage made in heaven. But the 65-year-old is expected to raise a few traditional eyebrows when he walks down the aisle with the man in his life – a 25-year-old Nigerian model called Bobby.
Mr Coward and his African partner are due to hold a civil partnership later this year, followed by a service at the vicar’s church, St John the Baptist church in Devizes, Wiltshire.

Is the marriage between a 65 year old and a 25 year old, NORMAL?  Then it therefore must be ABNORMAL?  Is a Gay relationship, USUAL?  It therefore must be STRANGE?  Is a 'Christian' marriage between men, allowed? You can obviously see where I am going with this.

I, like many HETEROSEXUAL MEN am uneasy about HOMOSEXUALITY.  I admit it, so calling me a HOMOPHOBE is pointless. I understand that some men and women are inclined that way and although I can APPRECIATE that, I don't have to UNDERSTAND IT!  Too often, we as a society, skate around this issue and others, which we might explore further in the coming weeks.  If we accept that HOMOSEXUALITY is not NORMAL, then it must be ABNORMAL.I honestly don't mean to cause offence if you are homosexual, either male or female, I just think it's better if we explore these issues more openly and then maybe HETEROSEXUAL people will understand better where you are coming from and you can understand our objections.  I mean I have three men, I would call really good friends that I would do anything for, well almost, if you take my meaning.

Going back to the happy couple pictured, their relationship would be abnormal even if either was of the opposite sex.  The fact that they are of different colours and Gay, makes it even more unusual.  I hope they have a happy life together, because although I don't understand it, I don't wish them ill.  Maybe it's me that's ABNORMAL, but I don't think so.  I would appreciate your comments if you are Gay or Lesbian, make a name up if you don't want to post under your usual moniker.


RMcGeddon said...

I think you must have to be born gay. I couldn't imagine any straight person deciding that a boys bum is where he wanted to be. So there's nothing you can do about it. Accept that men like men and just drop the whole subject. Linking it to ministers is pointless aswell as they worship fairies in the sky never mind fairies on earth.

Dark Lochnagar said...

McGedders, I accept that and you make some good points, but I think the point I was trying to make and that comes of trying to be intellegent when you've had a few beers, was that the subject along with others I may explore in the future, is taboo. If you say anything about Homosexuals, you are labelled a Homophobe. If you say anything about people whose skin is a different colour from yours, you are a racist. If you questions why there are so many Jewish people at the head of our and the American Government, you are anti-semetic, depite the fact that you can't be because these Jewish people are not Semites. Why do we decline from discussing these points? Have we gone too far with all the PC stuff? Do wegive minorities too much consideration. I don't know, that's why I'm posing the question.

Anonymous said...

My Mrs. gets really annoyed when I dry my dick on the curtains after sex - god only knows what the 'female' in a homosexual relationship does when their partner does the same.
Might look better than tie-dye I suppose.

Munguin said...

I see so because one is old and one is young and one is black and one is white and both are men it’s abnormal? Or is it because they are Christians? Is it because they are Christians you think they are hypocrites and it’s that you disapprove of? I personally don’t mind old, young, black, white, gay or straight but I don’t like canting hypocrites at all. As far as I am concerned there is no such thing as a “normal” human being and they are all welcome to be who they are without my disapproval.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Headson, for God's sake! Don't you realise that that makes the curtains crusty and it's embarrassing when the Vicar comes round for tea.

Dioclese said...

Reasons I'm not cheerful part FOUR!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Greekers, it must be me being dense, but whit?

RMcGeddon said...

" but as soon as you put it in print"

It always seems to look worse when written down DL.
After a few beers I sometimes comment in blogs as if I was chatting in a pub to a pissed up mate. A bit sweary and OTT when looked at in the cold light of day :)

Dark Lochnagar said...

McGedders, yes what seems like a good idea can sometimes turn out differently. However they say you tell the truth when you've had a few, but sometimes what seems to be a good train of thought when you first think of it can be panic stations 10 minutes later when you start to ramble and are not making the point you meant. If you take my meaning!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Harbingers, it is bullying on a massive scale. As you say it can't be normal if the majority of the population aren't indulging in it. Mind you the way things are going! Homosexuals are their own worst enemy. They seem to think they've got to shout it to the rooftops once they decide they are 'coming out'. All these 'Gaypride' marches are just their way of saying "look at me, I'm abnormal", when you think about it. I think most Heterosexual men can understand it, but it's the actual sex act between men that is utterly repellant. I've got a very good friend who knows things about me that my wife doesn't, but it doesn't mean that I'm going to let him stick his cock up my arse, as Nicholas Fairbairn once put it in the commons, probably after a few subsidised bevvies in the Commons 'tearoom'. I remember him and I and my BiL, sleeping in a room in Paris with a double bed and a single. We decided that my BiL would have to have the single and him and I slept in the double, me under the sheet and him on top of it but under the duvee, so that our bodies didn't touch. Perhaps a bit OTT, but there you go.

Anonymous said...


You're certainly not gay if you sleep in a bed with a man. What happens if you're stuck up a mountain in freezing temperatures? The very act of two men, in a sleeping bag, cuddled up together is a perfectly natural thing. However, when the other starts sticking their tongue down your throat, grabbing your percy and plunging his up your poop shoot then of course different story altogether.

In my latest article (not yet posted) I do discuss Liberal madness. One minute they're promoting feminism and homosexuality and the next multiculturalism and radical Islam's right to rise as they continue down the road of cultural and moral relativity.

I really do not mind homosexuals who just get on with it, but pink pride parade's, T-shirts with 'I am gay' all over them, constant 'coming out' revelations, gay families and their continuing demand for equal rights when they most certainly fucking aren't starts changing my position on the whole rigmarole of homosexuality. I used to work on doors in nightclubs on the gay scene in London and from someone who was very open minded, what I saw changed my whole perception on it. More so, having it shoved in my face and being told I have to accept it, pushes me further away from it also.

In all reality DL, society has created racism and dislike of homosexuality (notice I didn't say homophobes because people do not have an irrational fear) in continually forcing their agendas down the throats of others until they're literally sick of it all. I am. I've simply had enough of being told what to accept in life and if I don't then I'm a bad man. I'm not, I'm a very good man and always have been. We just live in an extremely fucked up society where good is bad, left is right, up is down and in is out.

Homosexuality is not normal. It's abnormal behaviour and for any fuckwit to say that homosexual parenting is normal needs to get a large pan of water and boil their fucking heads. If someone keeps repeating nonsense to me I tell them to fuck off unlike most of society who will believe it.

Ryan said...

Life's too short to care who other people are marrying, good luck to them.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Harbinger, Have no irrational fears on my part, I'm afraid that if that was a normal way of procreation and there was just me and some other bloke left in the World, the human race would be dying out. I also don't mind them getting on with whatever it is they do, I just don't 1. want to know about it and 2. don't push it in my face. It's not normal behaviour, whatever you say, so you can quite literally shove it up your arse.

Anonymous said...


Dark Lochnagar said...

Ryan, welcome to the blog. Do you think that a marriage between a mixed race, homosexual couple, with 40 years difference in their ages is normal? If you do that's fair enough if you're happy with it. If like me, you hope they are very happy but you don't accept it as being normal, then you must speak out against it. I'll tell you why. We are constantly getting liberal ideas, i.e. race, immigration, Homosexuals, Muslims, Zioinst domination etc. pushed in our faces by a Zionist dominated media. 20 year ago, there were 40 MSM organisations, now there are 5 and they are all with the exception of the BBC owned by Zionists, the BBC is of course dominated by them. At some point the ordinary man in the street has to take a stand and say "enough is enough" and this marriage being reported and pushed by the MSM is just one small step towards their ultimate goal. Shutup D.L., you're beginning to sound like a nutter!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Harbingers P.S. The Church and particularly the Catholic Church is all part of the domination of the common man. Fuck me, people pay money in poor counytries to keep these wankers, some of whom are interfering with their kids, in a state of luxury, they, the people, couldn't imagine. And for what? The vague chance that when they pop their clogs they ar going to the sky to sit beside their Father along with the billions of others, if they get past St. Peter and even worse, half of the mad bastards think that their favourite pet is up there too! Not only that, but they believe that the Pope, some Nazi Youth German fucker is a direct descendent of St Peter, because some Cardinals voted for him! Fuck me! If you wrote a book about it and sent it to publishers, you would never get it printed. Oh, sorry I forgot. They did print it and now, billions of Christians and partially Jews and Muslims are following it! If the Aliens ever land, they'll think we're Gaga. Mind you if they look at George Bush, they'll know we are.

Anonymous said...


Of course, the Church is and always has been about the total subjugation of people. The church that Christ spoke about was the open church of Christ, led by like minded individuals who say no persecution of others that they may worship their creator, free from prejudice and of course having to pay money. Churches should be open 24 hours a day, there to help the needy, the anguished, the unhappy and those who just choose to pray, but of course they tell us the bullshit of "It's just too dangerous to keep churches open for the safety of the clergy...." bollox. It's not a job, but to many it is. Being a Christian, in a church is a full time occupation, where you keep your nose out of politics and into the lives of the flock who look to you for guidance. If anything the clergy should be doing their best to dismantle politics!

And the pope, well, you should have a look at the The Devil in the Vatican on Youtube. Interesting stuff. The church has always been controlled and I have a good feeling by whom, or certainly a very large part, if not all.

The sooner people wake up and see that the church is about control along with the politicians whom they elect to serve them the world will be a far better place. But that's not going to happen for a long time. What I find incredibly interesting is that the Bible preaches the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah for exactly what priests have been doing for ages and not only that openly allowing homosexual priests and not just women but homosexuals also. You can't help but fall over laughing at the blatant hypocrisy. Sure people will say you shouldn't persecute and I totally agree but like in football where it's against the rules to pick up the ball and run with it, so to is homosexuality against the rules of the Church and the bible which it preaches and rulebook. You need rules and morals for healthy society, although I will stick to the old saying "Rules are for obedient fools but the guidance of wise men!"

And look at you (In your reply to Ryan)? It seems that you can't get enough having decided to take the trip down the bunny hole of Judaism/Zionism. And exactly - 40 MSM organisations now controlled by 5? Soon that number will drop down to two. Look at the film and music industries? Same situation there also. Black gangsta rap is run and promoted by Jews. There's nothing they like more than fucking up western, white society and what better than little Johnny from a well brought up family getting into the blatantly anti white lyrics of gangsta rap? That will seriously piss off mummy and daddy and of course obliterate society, further making whites all feel guilty for nothing they've done and destroying yet another generation and bringing about yet more control by the minority group we dare not mention its name.

Munguin said...

Dear Darkie I would never dream of calling you a canting hypocrite! I think if you look at that again you will find that you have misconstrued. I was referring to the possibility that you disapproved of people who advocate a way of life say Christians while adopting quite another. They are the people I was suggesting were canting hypocrites. But as we are on the subject I do disagree that homosexuality is abnormal. You haven’t actually defined normal sufficiently well for us to be in accord on this matter.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Mungers, OK, I accept your apology. BTW, who are you calling a Darkie!

Most religions are full of canting hypocrites, well in saying that I don't, as yet, have enough knowledge of other religions apart from the Christian one, to make general statements like that. As Harbinger said on another post, your relationship with God is Christianity, religion is the business that has grown round about it.
As far as defining Homosexuality as normal, that's why I put the dictionary definitions at the top of the page. If 'normal' is usual, regular or ordinary and followed by the majority then it follows that Homosexuality must be 'abnormal', strange or unusual because that is the antonym. Now I can understand that there are Homosexuals and I don't personally have a problem with that. What however I don't agree with is this in your face, 'Gay pride' shite and I don't agree with Homosexual people adopting children or in the case of female Homosexuals having a surrogate father. The creation of childen should be between a man and a woman and that is not from a religious point of view, just the way I see it and anyone is welcome to tell me why that shouldn't be.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Harbingers, I watched that the Devil in the Vatican and although it was interesting, I feel I need some more proof, rather than being told a number of 'facts' and beleiving them. It was interseting from the point of making me think more what part the Vatican had in the Holocaust, if any and to what extent. That will be my next wee bit of research.

I don't think we can 'beat the system' but surely we have to try. If we can persuade people to look deeper into the truth before the internet becomes censored, then that can only benefit mankind.

Anonymous said...

You can't beat the system DL, you can only leave it. Once people leave the system it collapses. People keep the system alive by being part of it.

Anonymous said...


You should have a chat with Revolution Harry on the Vatican as he knows more about it than I. He believes all roads lead to Rome. Interesting fellow. The link's on my blog.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Harbingers, yes, but if there are still people inside the system working it for their own advantage it won't crumble. I think what we have to do is to make people aware of what is happening and let them make their own decisions, because if they are quite happy sitting watching X factor, then we might as well pack it in and go and live out our remaining days on a tropical island. Hey! That sounds quite a good idea. I'll have a shufty at what's his name later on this week.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, I've been running a sort of anti-Zionist thing for a few weeks as I sort of look into how far their control of society has spread. Personally as I said, I wish the happy couple all the best, at least they have the same imaginary friend, so they can talk about that. I wonder who the dominant partner is? Who is arsefucking who? Or is it mutual? I've no idea.
No, me too. We're getting pushed further and further by these liberal fuckpigs into accepting things that wouldn't have been acceptable 20 years ago in case we offend someone's HR, Fuck 'em! I see that prick Peter Thatchell is shouting his mouth off that civil ceremonies aren't enough, he wants full marriage ceremonies with all that that entails. Fucking arsewipe.

Munguin said...

Fair enough. I still don’t think you define normal well enough. The dictionary definition will not suit human relationships at all. And I defy you to find me a man who has no peccadilloes in his closet sex wise whether that a Tory cabinet minister who has to dress up in Chelsea strip and have his toes sucked, but is to all intents and purposes (and certainly by your definition) normal to your good self. Are you happy to talk about every aspect of your sex life on here so that we can all ascertain if you are in fact normal yourself?

Dark Lochnagar said...

Munguin, by all means I'll talk about my sex live. I can quite catagorically state that I've never shagged a peccadillo in my life and as for toe ucking, well I could imagine foot masterbation might be allright, but fuck me sucking toes. What happens if she had those black bits in between. Gads!

Munguin said...

Be careful you don't find David Mellor down there wony you!

Munguin said...

Be careful you don't find David Mellor down there wony you!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Mungers, he'll be kicked out long before I get there. He's yesterday's news. BTW, if he liked his toes sucked by a nubile young woman before he gave her one, I don't find that out of reason!

Anonymous said...

Searching for this for some time now - i guess luck is more advanced than search engines