Thursday, 1 July 2010


Olli Rehn, the EU economic affairs commissioner.

Britain could face sanctions costing the taxpayer £5.5 billion if it fails to meet spending targets set by a new EU "economic government", under European Commission proposals.  Included among "sanctions and incentives" to get governments to rein in public spending is an entirely new "corrective arm" using the EU budget as a stick to keep national spending in line with euro targets.
If agreed, the sanction could cost Britain up to £3.6 billion in farm payments and £1.9 billion in aid for poor regions if the EU called foul on British budgets that have traditionally been set by a vote in the House of Commons.

Just why is CAMERON taking orders from some Scandinavian fucker called  OILY DRAIN.  These bastards haven't had their accounts signed off by the auditors for 25 years.  It's a FUCKING DISGRACE.  Then they want to scrutinise OUR BUDGET?  Tell OILY to FUCK OFF!


Ukipper said...

I wouldn't worry DL. The whole eurozone farce will come crashing down soon. The ECB has lent £728Bn to Europes banks and have just rolled over the loans for another 3 months as the banks can't pay it back.
The UK now accounts for a fifth of world debt at £1.1 trillion so we're in for a bloody good hiding in a year or so aswell.

subrosa said...

I too hope it all comes crashing round their ears and the quicker the better.

Warm tonight DL.

McGonagall said...

And yet Salmond thinks the EU is just swell?

Dark Lochnagar said...

UKIPPERS, a wee EU story always brings a comment from you, (tee hee), but I agree. The figures are frightening and no-one seems to want to take responsibility!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Rosie, it will in time, the quicker the better. Yes, someone on Twatter was saying it was 18 degrees in Edinburgh.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Scunnert, he might, but I certinly don't!!!!!!

banned said...

Okey dokey, Oi, "OILY DRAIN, FUCK OFF !"

Nothing hew about being fined by the evil EU. DEFRAs Rural Payments Agency failed in the relativly simple task of dishing out compensation to farmers (dunno what for) DEFRA were fined and to pay that fine they had to cut back all of their subsidiary agencies with the direct result that towns such as Teignmouth in Devon were denied the urgent flood relief schemes that they had been promised for years. How fair is that?

Ukipper said...

DL, the coalition government are asking for ideas on how to restore 'your freedom'. Even set up a website..

But it's slower than a slow thing and takes forever to get to the yourfreedom ideas bit. When you get there you wonder how they manage to spend so much on such a pathetic website.
And Cleggie has just been on al ja beeba saying that of course ideas like 'get out of the EU to bring freedom back to the UK 'won't be taken on. So what's the point of the exercise ? Oh I know - there's no point , that's the point.

Allan said...


I can't understand why we let the freaks in the EU rule us but you can't blame Cameron. Labour took us into Europe and it is very dificult for Cameron to get away from some of the shi# the EU lands on us.

Scunnert makes a good point though and the SNP are to pro EU. Maybe now Cameron will wake up and see the injustice done to the UK from the EU is a bit like Scotland and the UK.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Bsnned, then the fucker in DEFRA that made a mess of it should get fired. The days of personal responsibility should be back if the Tories are back in.

Dark Lochnagar said...

UKIPPER, if only UKIP had not baten 23 Tory Mps then we might not have needed to have a coalition. I know all about the Lisbon Treaty, but sometimes it's better to go with the flow and work from the inside.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Allan, I agree with what you're saying. Scotland is in many ways the UK in minature as far as the EU is concerned. It amuses me when you say that you are in favour of Scottish independence because you don't like being bossed by a bigger entity and the English don't understnd it but don't like the EU. Hmmmm! as they used to say on that comedy prog on BBC Scotland with Karen Dunbar and those two out of 'Still Game'.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Allan, ps. If you feel the need to swear go ahead. I do!

muddypaws said...

Well we certainly can't have the handouts to the landed subsidy junkies who get paid public money for doing sweet FA with their set-aside land being threatened by these evil foreigners with funny names. Time to tax the poor again I think, and given that the "it was all Labours fault" might be wearing a bit thin, we can blame it on Johnnie Foreigner this time.

Ukipper said...

DL, UKIP offered to give up it's candidates in seats where the Tories would be expected to win if cast iron promised not to renege on his referendum on the Treaty. Cast iron is as pro Euro as Cleggie and so couldn't do it. Watch cast iron quietly renege on his promise not to allow us to be controlled more by Brussels.

Ukipper said...

Oh and as for " sometimes it's better to go with the flow and work from the inside."

Err isn't that why we are where we are now ?
It hasn't worked.

Anonymous said...

We won't bail them out the next time the Germans get stroppy.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Mudders, yes definately the poors' fault. Time to take a couple of ther bounders out and give them a dammed good flogging, what!

Dark Lochnagar said...

UKIPPERS, I know all that, but if UKIP hadn't stood there would have been no coalition. Simple fact and I know all the other stuff that goes with it.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Headson, the problem is that we have to as we contribute 5% of the IMF's money!

Anonymous said...

trackkllp8890436 ggg

Anonymous said...

Hi forum, cool weather and good mood. life is a good thing however turn

Anonymous said...

Hi, today is a beautiful day in my life. I saw a first snow in this year and I save this photo for all people in the World!