Alex Salmond is a slick operator. Of that there is little doubt. But has he been there too long? Has he now lost the political nous that's kept him at the top of his game for so many years?
After what without doubt has been THE MOST INEFFECTUAL CAMPAIGN in history in which the main party political broadcast appeared to be some fuckwit 'high-fiving' his mates and then walking up a mountain to shout "SCOTLAND" at the top of his voice like some reject from 'Braveheart', most SNP bloggers like myself and SUBROSA are quite frankly incredulous at the way Salmond has jumped into bed with LABOUR in order to form what he terms a 'PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE' or some such ridiculous moniker.
If we had wanted to vote LABOUR we would have voted for them. Most SNP voters fucking hate LABOUR. I for one, would rather cut off my right arm than vote for them. And what's more Labour hate the SNP just as much. What Alex Salmond forgets is that many SNP supporters want Scottish independence not go create some great socialist state, but simply for the reason that we believe we can coax our fellow Scots away from the habit of appearing to be benefit junkies and back to being the progressive people we have been in the past. I believe in social justice, but you have to wonder sometimes at a people who have been fed shite by Labour for sixty years but still vote them back in every chance they get.
Alex Salmond, should be willing to work with any government who is able to take power. We all know that the cuts are coming and the SNP's 'more Nats, less cuts' slogan at the election was cringe worthy and was seen through by the electorate. He should be working to get the best deal he can to further the causes of INDEPENDENCE, that's why he's there.
The Scottish elections in 2011 are now starting to loom and it's time the SNP got their act together for them. We don't want to let those Labour bastards back in!
A very over used word "progressive" innit?
DL if the LibDems form a coalition with the Tories then the SNP becomes irrelevant and the Tories can claim a mandate to govern Scotland by putting a couple of Scottish LibDems in their cabinet. If they form a coalition with Labour they're still short a majority and need smaller parties, like the SNP, to govern. In that scenario Scotland gets a voice - in the first it doesn't. More than that, like it or not, Scotland voted for Labour - they got the majority of votes. To go against the wishes of the Scots people and be seen as supporting a Tory agenda for Scotland is not the way to get their support in future. Sometimes in politics you just have to hold your nose.
What if this fancyfull coalition serves to destroy the UK, I can only presume that the good people of England would go off their trollies and demand independence, now that would be nice.Would you want Alex ditched then. !!!
Dont worry DL it aint gonna happen, the best thing to do now is to get on as many tory blogs as possible and let it be known why the tories did not get the majority they wanted. ITS THE SCOTS WHAT WON IT. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigYin, Aye. I don't see how after ruining the country for 13 years any more of it can be progressive!
Scunnert, I don't agree. The SNP's mandate is not to govern Scotland from Westminster but to get independence. Anything they can do to get us down that road is exactly what they should be doing whether it means working with the Tories or not. Indeed they have a better chance of getting progress with the Tories as they want shot of us and Labour don't.
Getaffyanaff- Easy for Scotland. I've already reminded them that we got Thatcher when we didn't vote for the Tories so it's fucking hard luck. I personally thought Thatcher was ok but I've heard there was a few in Scotland didn't! Actually it was UKIP who won it. If they had promised a referendum on the Lisbon treaty they wouldn't have stood and the Tories would have won another 21 seats.
"Anything they can do to get us down that road is exactly what they should be doing ..."
Aye indeed! But it's a win win situation. There's a snowballs chance in hell that Labour will get a multi-party coalition but the SNP is on record of upholding Scotland's will. Now we will see the futility of the union in forwarding Scotland's aspirations and the powerlessness of Labour - again - to defend our interests.
I prefer instant victories but sometimes you have to play a longer game.
C'mon DL. Do you really think anybody in Scottish Labour will not run with the dummy Salmon has fed to them?
It's my belief the SNP have earned the right to take Scotland to independence. As yet they still have to earn the right to govern an independent Scotland.
Salmond has a failing of resorting at moments of high drama to triumphalism. People generally don't like that but its the attitude now being adopted by Scottish labour.
Strategies win wars, Labour for years has relied on a ideology that has stagnated through time to dogma; a spent force whose supporters are following a chimera.
There is a bigger picture to this and I agree with the long game. Whatever he can do to protect Scottish interests is vital and necessary for us. Watch and learn, he is no fool.
Hey Darky Gordos got a new
New wardrobe :-)
Scunnert, I take your point but I still think the Tories would hand us independence on a plate if it was part of a deal that got them elected and running the country. The English are beginning to see us as a nuisance value to them and that's fine with me. The Tories for all their Unionist tendancies would be pleased to see the back of us because they think that will herald in Tory governments in England for evermore which hasn't been true of the last 3 Labour governments but that of course included their friends in the Valleys, there's lovely!
Rab, I don't remember but what he should remember is there are a lot of SNP supporters who are natural Tories, myself included.
Crinklers, I have no doubt he is playing the long game and Labour in Scotland, being a bunch of thick fuckwits will fall for it. You are right in saying he hasn't earned the right to govern an independent Scotland, but I don't know what you think but I am of the opinion that the SNP may in time cease to exist because their raison d'etre is to take Scotland to independence, after they done that what relevence do they have?
Daisy, there is no doubt he is no fool, but let's see how things develop. As I said before if I had wanted Labour, I would have voted for them but if I was in a constituency where it made any difference I would vote tactically to keep the fuckers out.
Thnaks for that bogey, but you don't have to advertise every new Blogpost you do on my blog, that's what Facebook and Twitter are for.
Sorry darky wasn't my intention
just had a good weekend is all.
I agree with you on most points, most notably that I also can not stomach Labour and after watching Labour MPs getting tore into the SNP after the election results then the thought of the SNP bailing out Labour makes me sick.
The only reason Salmond is sticking up for Labour is because were he to snub them then Labour would tell Scots that the SNP would rather see a Tory gov in power.
I would rather see Thatcher back in power than Gordon Brown and his Scottish cabinet saps. I don't think Salmond should go but in future I think he should stay out of Westminster elections and the SNPs political broadcast had me cringing behind my sofa. It was dreadful.
I think the Libs in Scotland will pay a high price for backing the Tories.
Looking at the long game I reckon that holding your nose and backing a LibLab pact is in the long term interests of Scotland. Get PR voted through then after a year withdraw backing for the Gorgon and force a general election. A PR election will get some UKIP MPs and an equal amount of LibLabCon MPs and double the number of SNP MPs. This would force a referendum on the EU and then a referendum on independence for Scotland and Wales after we left the EU.
Bogey, no probs. I read your blog anyway on my blogroll but I don't always comment.
UKIPPERS, if it hadn't have been for yu twats, Cameron would have had a majority and Salmond could have played the downtrodden nation card. I hate getting into bed with those Labour bastards, they fucking hate us.
Wee Eck may get his chance now afterall, DL!
Just been headlined on the EBC that Nick Clegg has told Labour he will discuss coalition with them if Brown indicates he will stand down, and the timeframe is today!
This is getting juicy :)
If it hadn't been for UKIP you would have a Tory victory and you could kiss goodbye to the chance of electoral reform forever. PR could bring the chance of a referendum on the EU and Scottish independnce closer as it would result in more SNP and some new UKIP MPs'
With a Tory majority the SNP could scream as long as they wanted about how unfair things were but it would amount to diddly squat( as in the 18 years of the previous Tory government.) The feeble Labour fifty would keep any chance of an SNP revival at bay and default to trough mode again.
We've given you hope where previously there was despair....etc
DieKaisers, all bets are still on the table. It just annoyed me how quickly Salmond got into bed with Labour. If they had supported the Tories they could have said that only they were standing up for Scotland and Labour were innefectual. TheTories are nearer to Labour, than they are to the Libdems.
UKIPPERS, it seems they are all very much in favour of a referendum now but their Scottish prties don't want a referendum on the feedom of the Scottish people. Are they scared of the result.
there is absolutely no chance of SNP being part of an alliance or coalition with labour.
that is exactly why Salmond is proposing such an idea.
please have some patience. Salmond's longterm strategy will play itself for all to see in the end.
DL the relevance the SNP will have is to be a democratic, equitable and competent government.
This is the elephant in the room for all the unionist parties which are under the whip of Westminster - they have no claim to a true democratic process.
It's interesting to note none of the Westminster parties are represented at Stormont or stand for the N/Ireland constituencies at Westminster. So what purpose is served by their direct representation of Scottish and Welsh constituencies. Other than the obvious, divide, deride and keep conquered.
Nai, welcome. I hope you're right. Now is his chance to talk to the Tories with Clegg wavering. He would be in a tremendous position to get a brilliant deal for Scotland right now.
Ragged Erse, Were the Conservatives not fielding some candidates in N. Ireland this time or did they not have some tie up with the DUP? The Scottish parties should break free of their London ties, the Tories in particular. Until they do so they will remain also rans in Scotland.
A tie up with the DUP was, is on the cards, straws being plucked at Westminster for the services or servicing of Robinsons wife.
Now that he's gone Conservatives of the other persuasion I believe are enquiring as to his availability.
Crinkly Erse, half of the province have been shagging her by the sounds of it. I wonder if Ian Paisley's dipped her yet?
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