Sunday, 20 December 2009


Gordon Brown has sent Christmas greetings to British troops in Afghanistan and told them he would have liked to play Santa by bringing them presents on his recent trip to the country.

The troops replied by saying they would have liked to have given him a present too- a FUCKING BIG BAYONET RIGHT UP HIS ARSE!


ex forces said...

Yeah. As someons who contributed modestly to the defence of the realm. Long before Afghanistan and Iraq. But still 20 years of my youth. I'd love to see Blair and Brown held to account for the hundreds of needless deaths of British troops. And of course the thousands of Iraqis and Afghanis. Hopefully we will be forgiven for this bloodbath. But I doubt it.

too many assholes said...

ha ha must get a blog of my own. So much bullshit to comment on.
Megrahi agrees to die according to Sky News. Thank god says Scottish SNP minister. It was getting soooo hard to hold back the demonic labour praying for his death. Eurostar dies due to unusual cold weather says expert. Passengers shocked. 10 hours without tv or twitter. It was orrible said fuckwit from reading. We couldn't access our bebo account.
SNP leader in borders shithole denies knowledge of cheesy account before agreeing he provided info for the account and knew all about it. Obama allows $646Bn for carbon credits for non existent global warming.... more Ed ?

Dark Lochnagar said...

EX FORCES, I don't think we will ever be allowed to forget what we did in particular in Afghanistan. Maybe when Blair and Brown are swinging from ropes, perhaps.

assholes said...

DL. The place is bouncing with bullshit. Good for folk like me who hate all parties with equal ferocity. Probably not good for an SNP man like yourself though.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Assholes, there is a difference in being an SNP man and wanting fervently to live in an independent country. The SNP are as far as I am concerned exist solely to get independence and until that happens I will support them. What happens after independence, I don't know, but my tendancies would be towards a more right wing party, (probably!).

CrazyDaisy said...

There's just one place we haven' t searched DL - sound of rubber glove snapping!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Daisy, look out HERE'S MANDY.........!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, He's behind you.............!