They are to publish a hard-hitting report which they claim proves the weapons expert did not commit suicide as the Hutton Report decided. They have also engaged lawyers to write to Attorney General Baroness Scotland and the coroner Nicholas Gardiner calling for a full re-examination of the circumstances of his death.
The doctors are asking for permission to go to the High Court to reopen the inquest on the grounds that it was improperly suspended. If Baroness Scotland rejects that demand, or the court turns them down, their lawyers say they will have grounds to seek judicial review of the decision.
Dr Kelly was found dead at a beauty spot near his Oxfordshire home in 2003, days after he was exposed as the source of a story that Tony Blair's government 'sexed-up' its dossier on Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction to justify invading Iraq. In one final phone conversation, he told a caller he wouldn't be surprised 'if my body was found in the woods'.
The inquest into Dr Kelly's death was suspended before it could begin by order of the then Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer. He used the Coroners Act to designate the Hutton Inquiry as 'fulfilling the function of an inquest'. Lord Falconer, a former flatmate of Tony Blair, was also responsible for picking Lord Hutton to run the inquiry.
There is no doubt that the murky hands of this AUTHORITARIAN GOVERNMENT are all over this poor man's death. THE GUILTY PARTIES MUST BE BROUGHT TO BOOK. THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT!
Move along, move along - nothing to see - move along.
This has been bubbling under for some time but ay well get a fillip from the new enquiry into the Iraq War.
Ye never know
Scunnert, I'm in a MR ANGRY FROM LOCHNAGAR mood this morning, but I think it's beginning to pass! :-)
Bugger, I hope so. There is no doubt there was a cover up and something murky happened. Personally I don't give a toss but I'm intrigued to find out the truth!
The fact that this story was covered up so well by the MSM scares me.
From the moment I heard he was dead I just "knew" that the bastards had bumped him off! He had too much information.
Spidey, correct! It was so fucking co-incidental it couldn't be by chance.
About time this got another airing. Even my mum expresses sympathy for Dr. Kelly and she doesn't 'do' politics.
What's chilling is that he wasn't as is supposed some expert on missile delivery systems or on nuclear weapons but in micro-biology, including race/genetic specific selective biological warfare. His death was only one of many, at last count 26 of the world's top scientists in this field have been killed or are missing presumed dead. That his death is supposed to connected with the Iraq dossier/the BBC is to some extent a limited hang-out. His death exposes matters graver and greater than the Iraq war crime, horrific though that be.
Anonymous, we can only hope that it comes out in the wash. You sound as if you have done some research on this subject, which is a first for this blog! But, seriously make up a name next time so I can relate to your comments.
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