Friday, 20 November 2009


The SNP have scorched Labour in the first test after the Glasgow NE bi-election in a bi-election in BO'NESS AND BLACKBURN. 

 The results of the first preference votes were:

SNP (Ann Ritchie): 1,604 votes - 58% (+10%)
Labour: 823 votes - 30% (-2%)
Tory: 283 votes - 10% (-3%)(mince)
LibDem: 79 votes - 3% (3%) (pish vote)

A 6% swing from Labour to the SNP.

Just shows what happens when there is not a POSTAL BALLOT.  This must be sorted out before the GENERAL ELECTION.  No wonder Labour don't want to give the responsibility of SCOTTISH ELECTIONS TO THE SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT.


Anonymous said...

1 2 3 vote SNP

Dark Lochnagar said...

Spooks Saw your posting after I made comment. I just checked my e-mails this evening and got story there.

Anonymous said...

I don't see why we in England shouldn't have our own SNP candidates. Wouldn't it be fun to have, say, Plymouth City Council controlled by the Scottish Nationalists?

OK, OK, a bit far-fetched. But maybe Carlisle first and just kind of stretch downward in due course ...

subrosa said...

Poor Edgar having no alternative other than the 2 Clones.

How do we sort out the postal voting? Nothing seems to be happening on that front at all.

1984 in 2009 said...

DL. WTF ! Seems that the blogs are all shutting down. Wardog, Rantin Rab and now I can't get into scunnerts blog. So maybe you're all getting too close to the truth !

Dark Lochnagar said...

Edgar, I know that Berwick are quite keen to be returned to Scotland, they shouldn't be English anyway. I don't know about Carlisle and Plymouth, we don't want all the fucking yokels!:-)

Dark Lochnagar said...

Rosie, we can't sort out postal voting until we get the PERMISSION to run Scottish elections governed by the Scottish Parliament. The SNP should start a petition and stick it on the Downing Street petition list. In fact I think I'll suggest it.

Dark Lochnagar said...

1984- I know Rab seems to be taking a sabbatical for whatever reason but I don't know about Wardog or Scunnert, they are both and indeed Rab as well commenting around the blogosphere. As some shut down others spring up, the fuckers will never silence us!