Ah, I hear my non-Scot readers exclaim, why are you worried you're Scots. It's a strange but true fact that Cricket is played by a higher proportion of the population in Scotland than in England and as it happens I am partial to a bit of cricket having played it when I was younger.
But the problem with giving it to the BBC is that they can't cover it properly. Their coverage of the Golf Open is a disgrace, swapping it from channel to channel depending if it runs over or fucking SONS OF PRAISE is coming on. I tried to tape a football game last year which was on BBC1 until full time, swapped to BBC2 for extra time and then went back to BBC1 for the penalties!
So tell the BBC to get a sports channel or give it back to SKY!
Oh no not cricket. That will cost us a fuckin fortune to cover.
And give the BBC executives another excuse to travel abroad on more fact finding missions.
Check out Ms Patel. A BBC exec on £440K a year. Stays in £600 a night hotels ( £1,000 in New York.)
Her expenses are here..
We're shafted in Scotland.
Only 10% of our licence fees go on Scottish programmes. All the news is like watching a Labour Party broadcast.
STV doesn't broadcast any of the new dramas. Instead we get old James Bond films or repeats of Foyles War.
Our newspapers all support Labour so aren't worth reading. Don't even have any in my bookmarks online.
And now we will spend a fuckin fortune on cricket and get it even more ad nauseum on our ' national' news.
And don't mention the fuckin Olympics or England in the World Cup. Oh fuck I'm going to fuckin explode !
Sport on television is the worst possible way to experience sport. Let Murdoch keep cricket.
Edgar, I agree if Sport is to be televised let the professionals handle it.BTW if they can't even do sport, why the fuck are they getting the big salaries.
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