JOHN "the midget" BERCOW AND HIS LABOUR SUPPORTING WIFE are proving to be bigger TROUGHERS than even their predecessor MAD MICK.
In the three months since he was elected as Speaker he has spent £45,000 on new televisions, furniture and decoration to his grace and favour apartment in Westminster.
The couple also spent £4,000 on a three day trip to Rome. I THOUGHT HE WAS ELECTED TO CLEAN UP THE SPEAKER'S POSITION. After his previous FLIPPING of two homes and his large expenses bill which he seems to have got away with, it seems to me HE IS WORSE THAN MICK! He also refuses to alter his pension pot which enables him to retire on half wage even if he goes tomorrow.
John Bercunt used to be a darling of the Tory right, but when Cameron shifted the Conservatives to the centre, Bercunt just kept going. Of course, this had nothing to do with the fact that his wife is a rabid socialist who is now standing as a Labour candidate at the next council elections.
Bercunt is being challenged by Nigel Farage (UKIP) at the next election. I think I will help deliver a few leaflets for him and help get this odious trougher out of Parliament.
Fred, or whatever you want to be called(!), I think he's a wrong 'un. I would't trust him as far as I could throw him, which to be fair would be a fair distance, the midget bastard!
Spidey, he'a a little abonimation. Nigel Fararge from IKIP is standing against him at the next election and I hope he trounces him. I quite like that Fararge chappie he seems to talk a lot of sense whenever I see him on TV.
His missus looks a good ride though. For a labourite.
By the way. Apologies for the RBS ATM machines breaking down today. I was withdrawing some money ( £5m ) and may have emptied Britain.
I'm not sure why HBOS broke down aswell though. Unless RBS get their money from HBOS ?
FFS. Things have gone to the dogs since I retired.
They will be screaming for me to return and sort things out but fuck em. Ungrateful bastards.
DL this is just a taste of what's to come. Man Muffin there will do as he's told. He doesn't know what he is. Confusion will reign. She's no Amazon, she's had stilts installed because her clit's like an elephants trunk, she can stuff her own fanny with bread fruit.
INCOMING!!!!!!I bet after all that bread fruit stuffing of her fanny her QUEEF can be heard streets away.
He' s a wee yes man BTW IMO and he'll do just what he can get away with to keep the fuckers troughing.
I was keeping a low profile at my villa in Spain until the heat went off me a bit.
I was at a charity do in Embra last night supporting Mrs Shred but didn't hear a peep about it in the press. Ok I didn't bid for anything but I'm not made of fuckin money !
Sir Fred, I understand your caution, you might put it in the bank and the fucking thing goes bust. Where do you keep it under the bed?
Ansel, the trouble I've always found with the midget is the fucker is sniffing you at crotch level. Now I find that a bit disconcerting particulrly if he is a shirtlifter but it is more annoying if he is sniffing my wife's fanny, or even worse my mother's but that would be kinda difficult as she has been dead 5 years. If you catch my drift!
lol@DL.I'm stuck for words.
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