Ed Ball's Department of Education in England has insisted that all schools should have a teacher who is there solely to teach Gypsy children because they are falling behind in educational attainment.
The teacher should immerse themselves in Gypsy culture so they know the Gypsy childrens' minds. They then would be able to teach them Gypsy crafts and beliefs like, clothes peg making, knife sharpening, laying on of curses, roasting hedgehogs and making those garish dresses!
wot about nicking lead and electric ?
Are we talking our Gypsies or Roma from abroad? Our Gypsies are now in the auto trade (chop shops?) while their Gypsies are still into begging and snatch and grab. Our Gypsies have reached a certain level of sophistication that their's must aspire to. Perhaps some remedial Gypsy education is required.
The teacher could inform the travellers of some of the customs of the settled community, such as the annual pilgrimage to the post office to purchase a tax disc to display on our car windows.
Banned, you're not insinuating that the Romany doesn't pay for his lecce like the rest of us, are you!
Scunnert,perhaps the teachers could also teach them skills such as chop shopping as well, an excellent idea. There does seem to be lots of different strands though of Gypos. You get a lot in the north of Scotland who seem to speak Gaelic but it could be Romany! It can't be a bad life though for some, they've got some expensive caravans. If you don't like some place just pull up sticks and go and tarmac somewhere else.
Brew, nice one. They probably think they're exempt from purchasing a tax disc under some old Romany travellers law or something. Fuck could you imagine the damage a family of Gypsies could do in a Post Office in ten minutes, I wouldn't have thought queuing was in their makeup!
Headson. Lesson 2. Do it anyway when there not in and charge £100 per square yard.
They should be sent back to their point of origin, DL, so that they could learn their traditional crafts and culture authentically - not here at Britain's expense!
We get a lot of pikey's around our way. They seem a pleasant enough bunch but they don't have to pay council tax etc and that's not very fair.
They're good for cheap pegs though and can sharpen your garden shears for a fiver. We're up on the 12th floor but they don't mind climbing up the 12 flights to sharpen our shears. They only charged us £2,000 to tarmac our drive. And £15,000 for a lovely conservatory. We haven't seen it yet but they've shown us the brochures. It's lovely.
Salt of the earth the pikey's and I won't have a word said against them.
Spider we have to encourage diversity or so it says in the travellers' bible. If we sent the fuckers home they would just come back with more of their relatives. Keep the bastards here so we can keep man eye on them.
Hmmm a 12 floor drive and consevatory G.B. you must think I'm fucking stupid. Mind you my next door neighbour(semi) had the conservatory job the same as yours 7 years ago and the kids are enjoying playing in the sand the man brought yet.
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