With apologies to my female readers and purely in the name of meaningful research, I give you a topless picture of KATIE GREEN, a natural beauty, as opposed to her namesake and more famous KATIE PRICE, a FUCKING, TALENTLESS WHORE WITH PLASTIC TITS!
I know which I prefer!
I'll be back in a moment...
*grabs tissues*
At least I've pumped it and you huvnae so get it up yi !
Balls DL, if Katie Price came a knocking, you'd be a cocking.
Fer fekks sake DL, I've got a pocket full of gunpowder, and even though its raining in the Smoke, I almost went off!!! Careful where you point those sparklers.
Why apologise? If a female blogger put up a picture of a naked male, there sure as hell wouldn't be any apology to men.
Nor would I expect or want one.
Bugger and I just watched a porno and have nothing left in the tank..
Platic tits or no I want a bit of her pie, mmmm yummy :)
Rab, for fuck's sake your in the west of Scotland, just shoot your load and wipe your cock on the curtains!
Incoming!!!!! they are fucking lovely. look her up I can guarantee one won't be disapointed.
Edgar, although we live in uncouth times, DL is a gentleman and a bit of decorum doesn't go amiss. Anyway I can't afford to lose punters! Lol
AMW Ayoung lad of your tender years should always have something left in the tank. Good job you don't stay over here in the west lad, we wank at least five times before we go out on a Friday/Saturday in case we come too soon. And sometimes we have to hurry up because she might be on her last chips.
Nothing like a bit of genuine research DL.
She is lovely. Why can't you lot just appreciate beauty without getting a woody? (Hey - that rhymes!)
With my luck she would be on the rag and I'd have to shoot my muck over her pus.
Banned, I felt I had to do it for political reasons and anyway the picture of her with her clothes on intrigued me and well what the internet for!lol
Scunnert, you're obviously a poet. Do you have a wee bit of Rabbie in your blood? If you lived here in Ayrshire, half the fucking county claims to be a descendent. Mind you he did like a shag.
Eddie, you are an uncouth cunt. I presume you are younger because when you get older like me and Scuunert you can appreciate beauty for itself. A wee look at it would be enough for me. Well maybe a wee sniff and a lick wouldn't be going over the score! Even if she did have the painters in. In saying that she must have a lovely arsehole. Fuck I'm getting carried away now, where's the tissues!
DL, you owe me one new keyboard.
Headson, I'm just suprised no-one has brought out a waterproof one yet, where you can drop your coffee or even shoot your load on it a few times.
You can get splatter guards for the monitor and heavier curtains for the computer room ( a lot more popular with the introduction of broadband) so there must be a company that can supply spunk covers for the keyboard. I use an old tea towel which seems to work fine. Needs changing once a week mind or it gets a bit crusty and can damage the keys.
My dear old Wanker, when purchasing a splatter guard and they are available it is important that you purchase one for your particular wanking style. There are 2, 3, 4 and clenched fist, (like a women) models. This to facilitate the angle of splatter of the cock juice as different styles give different angles of attack. The full fist is probaly the most upright splatter hence the reason why you think the woman in your life is trying to rip the fucking thing out by the roots. The angle tend to increase as the fingers drop off coming down to 45 degrees or so for the two finger job. Also to be taken into account in the rigidity of the penis in question as this can change from one down your leg to a wallpaper splatter for the younger, stiffer cock. So many things to think about!
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