Monday 5 October 2009


A former Japanese finance minister who resigned after appearing to be drunk in public was found dead in his home yesterday. I BET AT FIRST YOU THOUGHT I WAS WRITING ABOUT ONE OF OUR FUCKWITS. NO CHANCE!

Shoichi Nakagawa was lying face down in bed when his wife discovered him, according to a spokesman for Tokyo police. Investigators have ruled out foul play, but would not comment on the possibility of suicide. Mr Nakagawa, who was 56, caused uproar when he appeared to slur his words and looked drowsy at a news conference during a meeting of Group of Seven financial leaders in Rome in February.

In Japan, suicide has traditionally been seen as an honourable way out when someone has brought shame on himself and family.

Could you imagine if our bunch of CORPULENT, CORRUPT, INCOMPETENT CRIMINALS were Japanese and did the same? FUCK ME, there would have to be fresh elections every THREE MONTHS!


The End (Bye Bye!) said...

Brown has fell on a sword from time to time.

Shame it was a pork sword.

Barking Spider said...

Fresh elections every WEEK with our shower, DL!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Small mercies, his father seemingly topped himself as well when he was 57 so you could be right. He was probably that arsehole who took everyone to the cooler.

Dark Lochnagar said...

We could just keep the polling booths open on a permanent basis. Mind you the kids would never get to school!!

banned said...

What Ansel says, you could leave Gordon in a room with some whisky and a revolver and he's shoot the Nokia.