Friday 3 April 2009

Broon doesn't get deal from G20

Gordon Broon, the Great White Elephant, was spinning out of control after the G20 meeting. Truth is however is that the unnecessary and expensive meeting was indeed a failure. Absolutely not one Dollar of extra fiscal stimulus money was put on the table. The money boasted about was already in place weeks ago. The majority of the money is coming from "trade credits" or "quantitative easing". The EU cannot bail out individual states under it's rules, so it has to channel the money via the IMF. The whole plan will unravel, like all Broon's budgets by a week next Tuesday. You read it here first!

At long last, Frank Hadden, the Scottish Rugby Coach, has been sacked. Now we need a root and branch sorting out of the game's structures, starting with kicking out "the blazers" in charge and bringing in some ex-players.

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