Monday, 4 April 2011


Most of us want to work beyond 65, says Iain Duncan Smith
Most people want to work beyond the current official retirement age of 65, the Work and Pensions Secretary said.
Work and Pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith said the retirement age was going up because people are living longer and "don't feel like retiring at 65" 

WHAT A POMPOUS, BALDY, FUCKWIT!  If most of us had the money that fucking politicians had we would retire at 55, never mind 65.  Tell you what, just give me my pension at 65 and the ones who want to work on until they're 70 can get extra when they come to get theirs, if of course they haven't dropped dead by that time!  Talk about wage slaves!  The worst of it is, that we thick bastards, just sit back and take it.  Why shouldn't we get a meagre State Pension at 65, when we've paid into it all our days?  Pricks! 


Frances Coppola said...

Sorry to correct you, but you HAVEN'T paid into a pension all your days (unless you have a private pension, that is). National Insurance is not a pension savings scheme, it is a tax. The idea that through your National Insurance contributions you save for a pension is completely wrong. Your National Insurance contributions went to pay the pensions of your parents' generation. Your pension will be paid by the younger generation - who will be saddled with huge amounts of debt and many of whom can't get decent jobs at the moment - and there are fewer of them anyway. There is no alternative but for older people to work for longer, whether they want to or not. The younger generation can't afford to support them. IDS is simply trying to sweeten the pill.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Frances, welcome to the comments bit. Regardless of whether I have paid into whatever, it is not for some pompous, lard arse politician to tell me when I want to retire. The whole idea is to get us wage slaves to work on until we pop our clogs and they have to pay us bugger all. Well, I don't have any dependents apart from my wife and I can assure you I will leave nothing but a hole in the ground and wherever I am, they can set a match to me and sprinkle my ashes somewhere, because whether I am burnt or become worm food, I don't care as long as I don't leave a penny. How was that for a sentence!

Joe Public said...

"Most people want to work beyond the current official retirement age of 65, the Work and Pensions Secretary said."

How come there are so many scroungers on benefits who don't want to work at all?

Dark Lochnagar said...

Publes, please don't listen to all that MSM shite. There are a few scroungers on benefits, but the majority, the vast majority are on benefits because they are unable to work. Many wish they were able too. You don't make a life on £85 a week even if you have some of your housing benefit paid. I would rather ask why these politician bastards get a fortune in benefits when they retire or are kicked out on their arse after one parliament.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Gordo, I knew there had to be a good reason why they are here. I thought it was because they like their Eastern European compatriots who arrived later where there to fuck up our economy by taking the 'jobs that the white man didn't want'. Or so we were told. You are also right about high end technological jobs, that the black man couldn't do without education and about 250 years of intellectual maturing.

Gordo said...

And 50,000 years of evolution!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Gordo, there is that as well!