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Councils are being prevented from hiring vitally needed social workers from outside the European Union after the introduction of a temporary immigration cap.
UK Border Agency documents reveal it is turning down applications from local authorities to employ qualified social workers from outside the EU. An interim limit of 24,100 non-EU skilled workers entering the country before April next year was imposed in July, ahead of a permanent immigration cap.
Quite right too. You are not trying to tell me that there are not, eminently qualified unemployed people in this country, that could be trained as social workers very quickly. There are millions on the dole, including many graduates in social science and the country has more than enough immigrants as it is. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
I couldn't agree more, DL, although if that one in the picture wanted to do a bit of social work on me I wouldn't complain at all!
Well first up they'd have to be academically qualified, that means a degree followed by a post graduate CQSW or the lesser DipSW. Then they'd need at least a year of probation working with the scummiest of the scum, you know heroin injecting whores and their scag snorting pimp partners who put them out to work to pay for more drugs and occasionally pampers for the weans. Only after they'd been on bereavement courses to deal with the cold sober reality of said junky whore waking up in a pool of her own puke to find her blue baby tucked under a cot would they maybe be ready to face the real shit that happens in social work.
Then again if you've mistakenly thought that social workers are the poor underpaid bastards that come round and wipe the shit from your incontinent Alzheimer suffering granny at three in the morning, then your right there's millions of unemployed that could do that, they might need to suffer from empathy though...
Yo DL,
Problem is there are exceptionally skilled people in science,tech and engineering etc who will be prevented from working here.....our loss.
Shooting ourselves in the foot for a populist sound bite.
Spidey, you sound just like the man that could be doing with some help from that lassie. I'll send her round.
Mark, I was hoping I might get a comment from someone who knew social work. I don't see why someone has to have a degree. Obviously they have to have a reasonable level of intelligence but in any case there are, we are told, thousands of people out there with degrees on the dole or working in McDonalds. I agree they would need some sort of probationary work, but there must be a lot of low level cases that they could be seeing to and alerting a more senior case worker if they have any concerns.
I am aware of the job that carers do and they way they are treated as my father-in-law is dying of pancreatic cancer and has carers in four times a day. I must say the level of care he is getting however is excellent and NHS Scotland are doing a great job.
Stanners, yes and there are 24,000 from OUTSIDE the EU can work here. That is a community of however many countries it is now and many like the Baltic countries where they have a skilled workforce and would be happy to work here. You have to consider also and this is where I am surprised that you oppose this, is that if African countries are creating graduates and scientists, Doctors and fuck me, Social Workers, then they should be staying in Africa and improving the lot of their own people instead of pissing off to the West as soon as they have qualified to get more dosh. Tell the leaders to spread the TEN BILLION POUNDS per year that we will be sending shortly amongst the people who need it instead of sending it to Switzerland to fill their burgeoning bank accounts. How much money from Live Aid actually got to the people? Fuck all, is the answer to that.
Alan, my wife was a senior social worker for twenty years before the lies, cover ups, ineptitude, nepotism, back stabbing and corruption of management, and the involvement of local Labour councillors got too much for her and she told them to swivel.
You need a degree for this work, there are hugely important parts of sociology, psychology and Scots Law to fully understand, cos if you don't and you fuck up, you're liable.
Years ago we had unqualified social workers making, in many cases, life and death decisions for families that had lost the ability to cope. Good intentions were not enough. It's a profession which requires professional standards. You wouldn't want your father-in-laws cancer specialist to be a bog standard GP who'd read a wee bit about cancers and prescribed run-of-the-mill diagnosis, you'd want someone who specialised in the field. The same principle applies to getting the best help for our kids, parents and vulnerable siblings.
I agree wholeheartedly with what you're saying about us importing doctors and nurses, thus depriving their homelands of their education. It's wrong and continues the woes in their own countries. The answer to this lies in education here. We have a GP friend whose son was denied a place in medical school after getting the required 6 A passes at Higher, unfortunately he took a History higher, which had nothing to do with his desired career, he passed with a B and this counted against him. Head boy at school, years of studying what his dad was doing, loads of first aid certificates etcetera, he took the rejection in his stride elected to do VSO for a year before re-applying and resitting the Higher history at his own expense (A pass this time) and still it wasn't good enough for them. He's now doing sports medicine in a hope to transfer to real medicine... From a purely bitter point of view, and from what I've heard locally, the medical schools here are oversubscribed with kids from down south getting in before kids from here...
"then they should be staying in Africa and improving the lot of their own people instead of pissing off to the West as soon as they have qualified to get more dosh."
Should?, Should?,says who!,people should be able to make their own choices (says I ),the brain drain is universal,Brits go elsewhere too,should they be staying put,as for the "TEN BILLION",you tell em!
Mark< i would agree you need training but I would argue that you don't need a degree. I left School after sixth year and although I had acceptances from Unis for various courses, I joined the family business. Now at my stage in life with all the experiences I've had, if there was meaningful training in the job as you went along, I'm sure I would be able to cope. Not that the work of course is equitable to plumbing, but a 5 year apprenticeship to mend a tap. Fuck off!
I'm sorry to hear about your friend's son. Why doesn't he go into social work, he would be a perfect candidate to learn in the job as he goes along.
Stanners, we give these countries money to improve themselves, not just their leaders. They should be made to stay at least for 10-15 years to pay their people back. The Brain Drain from Africa is one way as you well know. I don't see a huge amount of British doctors and nurses rushing to work in Nairobi General, FFS. The same thing applies in this country. If we've trained them they should be made to stay here for a length of time. I understand that African students who are studying here are sponsored by their country and then they want to stay here and weaken our native stock. It can't happen, sorry.
DL said,"Stanners, we give these countries money to improve themselves, not just their leaders."
DL said,"They should be made to stay at least for 10-15 years to pay their people back."
"Made!",I believe people should have a free choice to live their lives as they wish.
DL said "The Brain Drain from Africa is one way as you well know. I don't see a huge amount of British doctors and nurses rushing to work in Nairobi General, FFS."
I dont know the figures,do you?,I know some go to Aussie ,Canada etc.
DL said,"The same thing applies in this country. If we've trained them they should be made to stay here for a length of time."
"made" free choice again.
DL said,"I understand that African students who are studying here are sponsored by their country and then they want to stay here and weaken our native stock. It can't happen, sorry."
"Cant happen",tough talk DL,what you gonna do about your "native stock" being weakened as you put it,ban inter racial relationships,incite, nudge your fellow Scot`s to harass and attack mixed race couples,flog men/women who date outside their racial group or clan, what?....;)
Stanners, OK, first bit. 2. Fine, if they don't want to become Doctors etc and live as a peasant in the cities or bush then that is their right. They don't have to be made to do anything. However they should pay their people back if they go to the expense of educating them to a high standard. 3. No I don't know the figures, but I'll guess unless it's someone working their gap year or BVOS, it will be fucking small. Some do go to N. America basically to get away from the multi-racial soup we have here as the head of the Commonwealth. 4. see 2. 5. No I would have no truck with attacking or harassing people outside my racial group, but I would do all I could to discourage it, if they were not willing to adopt the host culture.
I would say Australia has got it about right. You don't get in unless you have a particular skill and are willing to adopt the Aussie culture. Sounds OK to me.
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