Thursday, 8 April 2010


Labour Party hopeful, Gordon Brown, started the second day of the campaign by emphasizing what an ordinary, miserable wanker he is.
"Sarah and I sometimes just sit in Downing Street, after having had a supper of frozen Cottage Pie from The Co-Op, watching some game of footy on the telly or one of those reality game shows like, "Mandy rehearses for the part of Tinkerbell" and how we laugh!  Not for us, the 'high life' that the Tories enjoy".

A Mr Ainsworth, a baldy twat, who has taken to wearing a 'syrup of figs' in recent years and was standing nearby, was heard to remark, "FUCK THAT!  I hope that miserable SCOTCH FUCKER gets his.  I'm fed up being ordinary.  I want to be in STRINGFELLOWS WITH DAVE AND GEORGEY-BOY!


wee boaby said...

Gorgon has a bawbag in that pic !
Must be photoshopped.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Daisy, it's a cracker. I don't know where I got it, must have stolen it somewhere!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Boabs and your name could almost be his nickname except it would be awffy wee boaby! Mind you I think Mandy said he was circumcised.

wee boaby said...

ha ha he's got a wee boaby right enough. I saw the pic on tractor stats the photo shop man. David Forward or something.

wee boaby said...

Yes this site is funny...

Dark Lochnagar said...

Boabs, you're probably right, it looks like one of TS's. I check him out on a regular basis, he's a really talented guy with the old PS. I keep on meaning to learn that but I can't be arsed!