Monday, 5 April 2010


With the General Election expected to be called on Tuesday, the  Scottish National Party welcomed the results of the Sunday Post Email  Jury in Scotland, which gives the following levels of support:

  • SNP: 37.1%
  • Con: 25.9%
  • Lab: 18.8%
  • Lib Dem: 6.5%
  • UKIP: 2.9%
  • Other: 8.8%
SNP Westminster leader Angus Robertson MP said:

“This is only one indication of public opinion in Scotland, but it is  an extremely welcome one nonetheless. The SNP are standing in this  election as local and national champions – SNP MPs to champion the  interests of their constituency, and the SNP to champion the interests  of Scotland. It is a positive, popular and compelling message – in  stark contrast to the negativity and phoney war of the Westminster  machine parties.”


CrazyDaisy said...

Met him, great guy and very passionate.

Is this the real truth that the MSM have tried desperately to suffocate and hide from the public? While Im not going to get mega excited it is encouraging to have a differing view on what's really touching and influencing folk.


RantinRab said...

I want an independent Scotland too. But not the SNP version of independence.

I hate the bastards.

UKIP 4 me said...

I'm with Rab.
I want independence aswell but for the first time I won't be voting for the SNP. Nanny state personified while they live the high life.
UKIP this time I think.

right slapper said...

Good therapy here..

Hit the mothers !

Dark Lochnagar said...

Daisy, I would think that most people who bother to become 'Sunday Post panellists' would tend to be activists, like for instance the percentage of the people who bother to comment on the Scotsman are. So from that point of view, I wouldn't put a lot of faith in it but it is interesting.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Rab, I desperately want to see an independent Scotland. I do not agree with the SNP in quite a lot of what they say and do. But I do know one thing, they are my only hope of seeing an independent Scotland in my time. If, and it is a big if, we become independent, then in my view that is the time to shape the type of country that we want. My personal viewpoint would certainly be more to the right and probably further right than the existing Tory party at least as far as European referendums are concerned.

Dark Lochnagar said...

UKIPforme, (sorry I hate using numbers for words), I can appreciate what you say, but I would refer you to what I say above to Rab. I would be intersted to know who you think in mthe SNP is living the 'high life'. Granted Slamond did take his full £400 per month meal allowance but that is hardly a hanging affair. He would take some feeding. I believe that UKIP in Scotland would be a wasted vote and at the end of the day they have had to chuck out 3 MEPs for fraud in the EC parly. Hardly a party of proberty!

UKIP for me said...

DL. I think that getting out of the EU is more important than independence at the moment. Independence is pointless if you're part of the EU.
At least by voting UKIP I'll be adding to their overall UK vote. It's a small thing but at least it will make me feel better.
Gil Paterson is living the high life. Jetting off business class to the US to discuss climate change ( yes you really can't make it up ). Handily he's Convener of the standards committee and a member of the EU committee so is well placed to enjoy himself at our expense. All to save the planet of course.
Alex enjoys his £60K payout from London and his wage from Scotland.
Oh and of course claiming £400 a month in food even when parliament was shut. His excuse that everyone else was doing it doesn't give me hope. And no one has ever explained to me how his food bill was always bang on £400.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Ukippers, Well he does give some of his wage to charity, which I don't see any of the rest of them doing. The EC is a problem but I prefer to be independent and then work on it. We will have plenty of narural resources like Norway, so hopefully the case can be made for a similiar positioning in the order of things. It just depends on your emphasis. For me independence is more important. We wouldn't be any worse off, that's for sure even if we are still in the EU.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Rightslappers, that is brill! I would encourage anyone reading this to give it a bash!

cum oan get aff said...

if Scotland was an independent country and a member of the EU it could eff off out of it if it wanted to. So independence first and foremost without borders under your own control you can decide eff all.

banned said...

"Con: 25.9%". Not bad for a party that is said to be 'wiped out' in Scotland.
DL, as you know, I'm a moderate Unionist by which I mean that I would rather maintain the status quo but if you must leave then good luck to you but you will find that, as UKIP For Me says, there is little point in an 'independent' Scotland existing as a stand alone Region of the vile EU.

Greetings from District 8.

banned said...

Right Slapper Great link, thank you, duly stolen.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Get aff ya naff. I would think that Europe would need a Scotland with oil and 25% of Europe's renewables, but whether Scotland would need Europe, I'm not so sure. I think there is still in Scotland a healthy scepticism for the EU, much the same as there is in England, not least amongst the general population, if not 3 out of 4 of the political parties. I personally think that the EU will tear itself to bits sooner or later anyway, hopefully before the world banking cartel see their plans to fruition.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, the 'Sunday Post' is more right wing than Hitler. At the height of Maggie's power they were saying she was too left wing, so I wouldn't hold out too much hope for the Tories in Scotland. They're probably running at about 15%, the same as the Libshities.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, Aye the slapper is a good laugh.

subrosa said...

The SNP have a serious problem with their insistence on staying in the EU. Time they loosened their policy a bit and say the people should decide.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Rosie, I agree with you 200%. I would think however that if we get independence then the UK as a member state is no longer. At that juncture we would be able to re-negotiate our membership. As lons as we keep out of the Euro we should be alright.

UKIP for me said...


The SNP have a lot of other problems aswell. Falling for the global warming scam and planning to destroy our countryside with pylons and windmills. Attacking the poor with their drink and smoking policies. Covering up the abuse in Aberdeen using MacAskills law firm. Releasing Megrahi on compassionate grounds and saying he was definitely guilty when they know he wasn't.
Supporting the Scottish Islamic Foundation despite it's suspect record on accountability. Supporting illegal asylum seekers and convicted fraudsters with letters to judges and the immigration department. Attempting to open the floodgates to immigration despite record unemployment. And finally their policy to save the economy is to spend more money despite our trillion pound debt burden and record borrowing of £170Bn this year alone.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Ukippers, nobody's fucking perfect! My first priority is to get independence and I'll worry about all the rest after that.

MacNaBracha said...

UKIP? Haven't they had a few members jailed for corruption? They're just another bunch of chancers and debauchees. Posh boys with a serious xenophobia problem.

UPuke can GTF...

UKIP for me said...


Sadly all the parties are now chancers filling their boots so don't let that determine who you vote for.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Mac, welcome. I would have to say in UKippers defense that if I was in England I would be seriously thinking of voting for the Kippers. However fortunately in Scotland I've got the option of the SNP because my first priority is independence followed by getting out of the EU aka Nowray.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Ukippers, you told me a few comments back that was the reason you were voting UKIP was because the nationalists were,
"I want independence as well but for the first time I won't be voting for the SNP while they live the high life". Christ, you changed your tune fucking quick. You must be one of those floating voters. ;-)

UKIP for me this time said...

DL. A bit of selective quoting tut tut. "nanny state" seems to be missing. Plus all the other stuff I've written in between.
I would switch back to the SNP in a flash if they promised not to force us to join the EU. Investigated cover ups in Aberdeen, Glasgow, Dunblane and Lockerbie. Admitted global warming wasn't all man made and changed their minds about the 120' pylons. That would be a start and they would get my vote. We could look into their immigration and drink and smoking policies later.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Ukippers, That's the benefit of owning the blog! The SNP are not going to start changing policies 3 weeks from a GE, so let's not be nieve. The EU, I have agreed is a problem but if Scotland gets independence than our EU membership goes out the windae, because the state that was the 'UK' has now changed. At that point I would hope that the Government in Westminster which is likely to be Tory would give everyone a referendum. They could hardly have one in England without the Scottish Government, WHOEVER THAT MAY BE, giving Scotland the same. So independence first. The cover ups you mentioned are fuck all to do with the SNP and they will be investigated in my estimation as soon as the election is out of the way. I don't think Global Warming is all man made but as long as we have 25% of European renewable potential and it could be a very viable industry to equal if not surpass oil for economic and employment porspects, I prefer to go for a 'belt and braces' option, particularly if it means cheaper and more sustainable power for my country. The pylons are down the A9 for fuck's sake. The Cairngorms are a big area. Go to Argyll or somewhere else, they need the money more. As you say, the rest can be deat with later. A vote for UKIP is a wasted vote in Scotland. Vote SNP. Vote for your country's destiny. Look at the bigger picture. Don't be a feartie!