Thursday, 1 April 2010


A newspaper consortium bid to run the news on STV may be in doubt after it emerged the group will not be able to sign a contract until after 16 April.
If the election campaign is under way by 16 April it could delay signing further until after 6 May. The Conservatives have said they would scrap the scheme if elected.  SNC, which was awarded the subsidised two-year pilot for STV news last week, is made up of DC Thomson, the Herald and Times Group, Johnston Press and Tinopolis.

I would be over the moon if this RAG-TAG consortium was not awarded this pilot as I believe that it would be RETROGRADE STEP for news in Scotland.  This group are well known in Scottish media circles for their PRO-UNIONIST, ANTI-SNP stance and to let them get their hands on the Scottish TV news would be a disaster.  Can you imagine the standard of the Scottish 6 o'clock news if the Scotsman, (Johnston Press),  got anywhere near it.  I am quite sure this is why there have been several high profile resignations from the Scotsman in the last few months with some weel kent names going freelance.

It would be like inviting the KLU-KLUX-KLAN to take over the BAPTIST CHURCH OF MISSISSIPPI'S CHOIR PRACTISE!


McGonagall said...

What's the problem? One propaganda machine or another - what difference does it make when the population is conditioned to respond as required?

banned said...

It'll probably go to that Ruskie who is buying up the rest of Britains media.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Scunnert, It's the fact of the propoganda. You don't live here. Believe me it's insideuous.

wee boaby said...

Fucksake. Mad Maddox reading the evening news and I'd top myself !

wee boaby said...

Aye you're right DL. The fuckers at the beeb could do with a new writer though. Tonight was typical. BBC Scotland news at 6.30pm.

That sally magnusson anti SNP and independence fuckwit..

" The SNP have announced another drop in prescription charges to £3 before the eventual elimination of charges"

Fucksake that's weird. A pro SNP story.
I should have said fuck all...

" Yet in England cancer patients already get free prescriptions and the SNP is under pressure blah......"

But the SNP are definitely fighting back.
Alex Salmond on Newsnight North Britain with Brewer last night was funny. He ripped the wanker a new one and Brewer sat with a fuckin huge beamer at the end. Epic !

Dark Lochnagar said...

Boabs, I saw the news item and I thought the same. BBC wankers. I didn't see Newsnight however. I'll try and see if it's on the iplayer thingy.

Anonymous said...

Fast forward to 14 mins on here DL. Biased BBC will drive you mental otherwise. Arsehole Labour Brewer...

Dark Lochnagar said...

Thanks, Anonymous. The first 14 mins were also interesting. I like to hear what the opposition is saying so it can be flung back in their faces. I've taken a note of what McLetchie said!