Saturday, 10 April 2010


A couple were outraged when airport check-in staff said they couldn't sit in the emergency exit seats they had paid extra for because they were too old.
Marion Webb, 77, and husband Derek, 79, forked out an extra £100 for seats with extra leg room on top of the £2,360 they paid for a trip to Egypt with Thomson Airways.

QUITE FUCKING RIGHT TOO!  What would have happened if one of the OLD COFFIN DODGERS had died on the Flight?  People could have been trapped in the plane.  Why are they going to EGYPT in the first place.  Do they have a TOMB LINED UP?  Anyway what's wrong with BLACKPOOL?  They could sit on the prom and feed SANDWICHES TO THE SEAGULLS, instead of looking at some ANCIENT MONUMENTS, some, as old as them.  They should be leaving their money for their weans anyway.  Obviously a PAIR OF GREEDY OLD BASTARDS!

P.S. if you look closely, you'll see the old twat has pished the front of his trousers!


McGonagall said...

Selfish auld gits! Why are they allowed to travel at all? Folks their age should be parked in an eventide home right next door to the crematorium. What ever happened to government's promise of efficiency in the delivery of services?

McGonagall said...

Subrosa did you know that many of the refugees seeking asylum in Canada are from the EU? True story BTW!

right side of 50 said...

I'd rather have those old codgers in charge of the doors than some of the morons I regularly see on flights. Kids pissed out their brains who don't even know where they are. People in veils who certainly wouldn't know what 'emergency slide handle' meant. Or brain dead morons who insist on using their mobile phones and spend the flight screaming with their kids etc

INCOMING!!!!!!! said...

DL you are one hundred percent correct. Now that we've sorted the exposure of children problem out through modern medical intervention, sweet. It is time to turn our attention to the time expired. Eating the old, soup was best I hear, like the baby exposers did in the good old days just isn't cricket so they should be forced to fly everywhere on old Soviet era airplanes, preferably in the company of a high profile, due for termination, politico. Lovley.

BTW wasn't Jenny luverly in Logan's Run. Got my running shoes on and I'm offski sharpish.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Scunnert, next thing the old bastards will be demanding wheelchairs and holding the flight up for us youngsters. Why can't fucking SAGA charter their own planes and then they could all fly together and they could have knitting competitions to keep them occupied and the meals could be mushy stuff so it doesn't get stuck in their dentures.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Rosie, they are from an ethnicminority, the coffindodgerus from Brighton. They are not like us and I don't care how hard we try, the old bastards will just not integrate into society. They demand car in the community when the rest of us are quite happy going to the doctor. Do you know how much is spent sending carers into their homes to feed them? They could send the rest of us off to Egypt for a couple of weeks for the money it takes!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Scunnert, can you get me and the wife in?

Dark Lochnagar said...

Right sider, Fuck off and stop talking pish! But you're right those weans are the next thing that should be seen to. they just shouldn't be allowed in planes under any circumstances. I can guarantee you that if there is one screaming wean in the concourse of an airport it ends up sitting close to me on the plane. They are worse than coffin dodgers. As for kids getting drunk. Well lighten up, that's what we did at their age, for Christ's sake.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Incoming!!!!! Are you suggesting we could make soup out of of the old? That sounds disgusting, how would we get rid of their pishy old bladders and you get never get rid of the shite, it's in their digestive tracts for years as it works it's way to their wrinkly old arsehole.

INCOMING!!!!!!! said...

DL you have the palate of a Master Chef finalist. I stand corrected on this matter. Of course we could try State and Crinkley Pie?

Dark Lochnagar said...

INCOMING!!!!! You know i reckon I could get a gig on that 'Masterchief' as a judge. The problem is they don't say what they think. We need a bit more reality like you get with Ramsay. While some bastard would be comparing the raspberries to some blackcurrants he tasted in fucking Morrocco or somewhere equally exotic, I'd be spitting it out and shouting, "that is the biggest pile of fucking shite I have ever tasted. Are there no Pies?". That's what the prog needs more reality.