Monday, 29 November 2010


The police are seeking powers to shut down websites deemed to be engaged in "criminal" activity.
The Serious and Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) has tabled a plan for Nominet, which oversees .uk web addresses, to be given the domain closing power.  Nominet said the idea was only a proposal and invited people to join the debate on the form of the final policy.
IT lawyers said the proposal would be "worrying" if it led to websites going offline without judicial oversight.
"It's not policy at this stage," said Eleanor Bradley, director of operations at Nominet.
So you thought by voting Tory, you would get 'smaller Government', less Government interference, less EU control and more freedom to live your life as you wanted?  Well, now you know.
It's all the usual SMOKE AND MIRRORS.  I'm too old in the political tooth to believe anything a politician tells me.  Next thing, blogs will be getting shut down as the totalitarian state, exerts it's control.
George Orwell was right.  He was just, 40 years premature!


Anonymous said...

The Internet is too much of a problem for the NWO DL. Sure, it gives them the freedom to brainwash the public even more, but remember an open door not only lets thing out, but also lets things in. The Internet is the largest media outlet on the planet. It's also not controlled like the MSM is and therefore incredibly dangerous to the brainwashers. They can't control the net without taking control and this is merely the start of a series of stealth organisations.

Trust me on this but once this goes through, what will follow will be closing down websites that are deemed to incite religious hatred (speaking out against Judaism/Islam), racial hatred (speaking out against non white crime, fraud, immigration and Asylum) and anti homosexuality.

It's all coming DL, I knew it would. What can we do about it is the answer? Well, sadly there's not really much unless that is people stop supporting the main three political parties and get with independents who view liberty above all else. When this does happen the NWO will have complete control over all information on the planet - GAME OVER.

Anonymous said...

Oh of course they will. It's on the cards. They'll probably try and imprison me as well.
I wasn't writing what I did because I think you're stupid. I wrote what I did so that others who maybe are can start seeing the bigger picture.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Harbingers, did it come across like that. It wasn't meant to, I know your intention.

McGonagall said...

It's just not possible DL. Technology has outstripped the ability to censor. If you ignore the moralizing in this article you'll understand what is really going on - they've lost control.

banned said...

This is why the BBC is barging around on the internet like they invented it and the Govt. is bollocking on about 'legal and moral rights' of citizens to have access to the net because what the BBC can give the Govt. can take away.

Cunts, as with Common Law I don't need EU law or Human fucking Rights to know what is mine anyway.

As for the twats presuming to bar sites its a piece of cake to set up mirror sites in Switzerland or Moldova; as the pornographers discovered years ago (allegedly).

And another thing, wasn't SOCA abolished just a few weeks ago?

Anonymous said...


It's just not possible DL. Technology has outstripped the ability to censor.

Really? The only time when technology will be able to outstrip the censor is when the new Quantum computers come into play.

More importantly it speaks of the dark web and Darknets? We're talking of a fraction of society who use these. The sheep will still use main web.
Now let's look at the most simple way of securing the internet:

1. Introduce legislation to track and monitor all IP addresses and websites visited. You'll get all of this from your ISP.

2. Control the ISPs and all the phone companies and remove WIFI. Once this is done tell me, how on earth do people connect to the Internet without everything being tracked?

If there's no wifi, or they end up controlling wifi logins within the wifi zone how on earth do people connect to the internet anonymously? In order to connect to the internet at home you need an ISP. How on earth do you think China sensors the internet?

The Internet can be easily controlled, very easily controlled. At the moment legislation simply hasn't been passed to snoop on everyone and what they're doing but it's coming with a series of stealth laws introduced over and over. Like someone sitting in a bath of cold water that's gradually being heated up, you don't notice the subtle change. This is society today.

RantinRab said...

Dissent will not be tolerated! Anyway, the police are getting far too big douger boots.

RantinRab said...

Dissent will not be tolerated! Anyway, the police are getting far too big douger boots.

Dark Lochnagar said...

McGonners, quite an interesting link, but I don't believe that anyone can invent something that they can't control. Obama is supposed to have a kill switch, anyway.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, I don't speak Moldovian. As far as SOCA is concerned, that is a live BBC page, so I don't know, I see Subrosa has posted on the same subject, as usual much more eloquently than me!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Harbingers, you're right there. I was having trouble with my SKY connection, which they shut down for 'engineering works' a couple of times at midnight, just when I want to use it and there is fuck all you can do about it.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Rab new phone! Oooooh! Don't tell me they're giving you cunts in Killie phones now. What happened to the pigeons.

On another note what your Blog address now?

Anonymous said...

Exactly DL,

If you imagine the internet to be a huge castle, ontop of a pice of land surrounded by a bottomless chasm, the only way to get from that castle out and from outside in is over a bridge. The Internet Service Providers are the bridge that takes you to the castle and back. He who controls the bridge controls the lowering and raising of it. It's that simple.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Harbingers, my internet went down an hour ago, and I was put on to some twat in Mumbai who took me through some technical shite and then decided I needed a new router. In other words, he was flummoxed. It now appears to be working, but you are at the hands of these wankers if your broadband goes down.

wankileeks said...

Harbs ...
" He who controls the bridge controls the lowering and raising of it. It's that simple."

Not really . Proxy Western servers and personal satellite links bypass all of that.
It's how the arabs / chinese etc get access to their wank sites which are blocked.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Wakileeks, don't tell me the Chinese are wanking as well? I thought that was just a white man's thing. The thought of their little faces screwed up as they come is putting me off the tits of this big bird I was having a look at there.