Saturday, 17 July 2010


I remember being in Athens airport and being caught short, I managed to find the one toilet out of six that had a roll of bog paper. As you probably know, it's the custom in Greece to put your used toilet paper in a bin rather than down the shunky, because of their poor sanitation. Which got me thinking as I sat there, what would happen if you were really caught short and you did the business in a toilet without clean paper, which you only discovered when it was too late. Would you trawl through the bin of used toilet paper looking for a bit that was reasonably clean?


McGonagall said...


Sophia Pangloss said...

Aw thanks you! Ye realise we've aw got tae cairry that thocht aroon in oor heids aw day noo?

The answer o' course is aye tae cairry a spare roll in yer message bag or haunbag (or yer manbag if ye're that way inclined)

Why dae ye think thon wee clutchbags went oot o' fashion?

Dioclese said...

In the airport at Aswan they take all the toilet paper out of the ladies loos and then sell it back to you under the door. Really...

In the gents, there was a bloke who stood there playing with himself and then said to me "For 50 pounds we fuck, yes?" I replied, "OK, but let's see your money first." He looked rather bemused.

green toilets said...

I saw a Vietnamese toilet on the 'Discovery' channel a few years ago. It was just a a hole in the wooden floor and the turds fell into the pigs enclosure down below where they were immediately devoured by squealing piggies. A very 'green' way to dispose of our jobbies.
Maybe that's where the expression 'turd breath' came from.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Scunnert, These questions have to be asked. I am serving a need here. I'll bet if you ever go to Greece, you'll have spare lavvy paper with you!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Sophes, I knew you would be organised. I bet you've always got some toilet wipes as well. You'd need it for the lavvie above. Funny though, I always thought a 'manbag' was a scrotum!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Greekers, that's what going to help these third world countries out of poverty, private enterprise. These people are only to be praised for their ingenuity. But £50 to shag some black boy in a bog, a bit steep that!

Jim Baxter said...

Man, DL, you are vulgar. Shunky? Cludgie, please.

Dark Lochnagar said...

James, I am sorry if I have offended your sensibilities. But, it's all a load of shite whichever way you look at it!