Sunday, 25 April 2010


THE SNP will go to court this week in an extraordinary legal move to block the third crucial party leaders' debate being shown on TV in Scotland if the BBC does not give it a podium place. The First Minister says the BBC must either include an SNP politician on Thursday's debate or organise a fourth debate with the Nationalist voice heard.
Alex Salmond said last night: "The decision by the BBC, who are meant to be Scotland's national broadcaster, paid for by our licence fees, not to have the country's political make-up properly represented next Thursday is a democratic disgrace".
He added: "Elections, to be democratic, have to be fair.   We want Thursday's BBC debate to go ahead, but we also want Scottish viewers to be given a fair picture of the choices on offer to them at the ballot box on May 6th. And in Scotland that picture includes the SNP."

Should you wish to help to contribute towards the £50,000 cost please go to .


banned said...

It's not for me to comment on the internal affairs of a foreign country but, in the interest of fairness, I'm not watching any of the debates because I won't be voting for any of those twats anyway.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, don't be silly. How can you vote SNP in England?

subrosa said...

DL, he's no intention of voting SNP have you banned?

You've got to stop this looking over my shoulder when I write a post to be published in the morning DL. :)

Have you made your donation yet?

CrazyDaisy said...

Donate each month, but I reckon Ill give extra this week. I want to see the EBC shamed, it IS an affront tae democracy!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Rosie, Banned would vote SNP if he could. Maybe we could get him a postal vote after all there will be millions of Labour ones. I notice often that you copy stories off me. You tend to produce them with a more serious writing and in more detail than I could be arsed going into, but I suppose plagirism is still alive in Dundee following the traditions of DC Thomson! :-)

Dark Lochnagar said...

Daisy, I'm like you and a have a DD in force but I usually respond likewise to times of national need. Everyone who values democracy should be bunging a couple of quid whether you agree with all of the SNP's ideals or not.

CrazyDaisy said...

Hoofing performance on AM by Alec, made jug lugs and the EBC look positively amateur, they dinnae like it up em!

Looking fwd tae Skye News!

loadsamoney said...

I bet the SNP are kicking themselves for spending that £30K on the week long trip to the US to discuss how to combat climate change or the trip to the Maldives and Australia to investigate how to save us from climate change. Maybe the money could have been spent fighting the BBC instead.
The SNP council in Dundee are about to spend £100K on redesigning one of their new car park entrances. Maybe get a loan from them as they seem well flush with money ?

INCOMING!!!!!!! said...

DL do you reckon that the more we see of these types the less "important" or "meaningful" they really are in real life. If I go and watch a bit of theatre I'm not going to leave the building and start plotting the return of the Tudor blood line after watching Henry V. So what makes me think I'll be doing anything meaningful by watching these shiney, groomed autocue jocks?

Dark Lochnagar said...

Lodsamoney, don't fret mate, you paid for that.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Incoming!!!! You are a lucky man you are able to go and watch a bit of theatre. You should live out here in the 'provinces' where there is little or no theatre and no public transport to use to go there.