He is alleged to have run into the crowd, put his hands over the drums and then kicked the rear of the child who was dressed in the traditional costume dragon. He then ran after the dragon repeatedly kicking the child's arsehole.
Aah! That's what we need in the Tory Party today, real Tories. Can you imagine namby-pamby, Blair sound-a-like, Bullingdon Boy CAMERON running after a CHINESE DRAGON KICKING IT'S ARSE?
Lord Tebbit has my sympathies; I would invite him to spend next Saturday night in my spare room and when, at 3 am, the Clubers and Party People are making their way home shreiking like mad cunts pretending to have had a good time when in reality they have failed to find someone to fuck and can't afford a taxi home, I would set Lord Tebbit on them, might trach them some manners.
Banned, he would be just the guy to sort them out. Give him and baseball bat and point him in the right direction.
I see a shop in northern britain has been warned about selling 'anyone but england' tops for the World Cup just in case it causes offence.
I thought it was too cold in Aberdeen for t shirts ? safer sticking to sheepskin jackets up there.
ABE, yeh I read the story. They say they're flabbergasted at the Police intervening! I don't know what this country's coming to. You can guarantee one thing. They won't be able to make the tee-shirts quick enough now. Every bastard will be wanting one!
DL, you should post about the Aberdeen T-shirts, you might be surprised at my, and other English, reaction.
Banned , Aye I might do that. But I am not wanting to cause offence to my English readers with any jingoistic nonsense.
My take DL is that I am not the least offended by this simple joke but find the police reaction ridiculous, oh and I might demand some compo for the offence which I have supposedly been the victim of.
Banned, I've posted on it at 5 o'clock. I suppose the Police reaction was ridiculous but it was one officer who took it on his own back to do something about it, but it is a wee bit stupid nowadays. we are supposed to be more mature than that and we can't go on blaming England for ALL our troubles.
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