Tuesday, 8 December 2009


If there was a prize for the biggest gambling debts, Terrance Watanabe would be a clear winner.  At the casino tables of Las Vegas, however, he was quite the opposite, racking up £77million of debts in an astonishing year-long losing streak.

Now the 52-year-old Nebraskan - who made his money by selling his father's toy import firm - faces criminal charges over nonpayment of his debts.  Throughout 2007, Watanabe, 52, practically lived at the two casinos, betting a stunning total of $825million (£500m)  His playing was so bad that in 2007, Watanabe lost £3million in one 24-hour binge.

Watanabe's paid over £70 million but is being sued for the additional £7 million, but he says he WAS DRUNK AT THE TIME in contravention of GAMING RULES!

FUCK ME, I once lost £100 playing three card brag and I DIDN'T SLEEP FOR A WEEK!


banned said...

He should have gambled in England where, I believe, gambling debts are not enforcable in law ( dunno about broken legs and stuff though ).

Anonymous said...

What a total twat.

He should be claiming he was drunk ALL the time and suing the casinos for the 70 million back.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, I do believe that is the case. It's a 'debt of honour' or something like that. The casinos must have seen him coming anyway. Fucking ridiculous letting anyone lose that sort of money. The bastards should have to pay him back.

wee boaby said...

He should have been a banker. He would be on bonuses this year.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Boaby, he should have been a wanker and he wouldn't had time to gamble!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Ansel, Och well I suppose it was his money and if he wanted to pish it up against the wall, it was down to him. Fucking waste all the same. When you win the Eurolottery you can fling a bit my way!