Friday, 20 November 2009


Two turkey-necked unknowns embrace after being picked by EC Leaders to be the two most powerful  people in Europe.  Hermann van Rompuy from Belgium and Baroness Ashton from Britain, (in lieu of Blair not getting the President's job), have been picked to be the President and Foreign Minister of Europe.

The low-profile Belgian Prime Minister Van Rompuy - known to his laugh a minute Belgium colleagues as PUMPY VAN RUMPY, favours the introduction of EU-wide taxes, the introduction of Euro identity cards and the abolition of national flags and anthems.  Baroness Ashford was until a short time ago Labour Leader in the Lords.  REMEMBER WHEN LABOUR SAID THEY WERE GOING TO REFORM THE LORDS?  Now they're choosing un-elected NOBILITY TO RULE OVER US, DESPITE THEIR LACK OF EXPERIENCE! 

Once more the laughable, so called democratic EC is shown to be what it is, a cartel for powerful interests and Bankers.

I wonder how many years it will be until you can't access NHS care, pay by credit card, withdraw or deposit money in the Bank, use a debit card or credit card or go about your daily business without an ID card.  THEN THEY'LL WANT TO IMPLANT CHIPS which can be turned off, or on, at will and the control WILL BE COMPLETE.



banned said...

You can see the join where they screwed Lady Leathernecks head on.

The Young Oligarch said...

You forgot to mention that she was vice-chairman of CND during the Cold War and that she's never been elected to anything , ever .

Nice to see the Nomenklatura were overthrown 20 years ago .

Fairs fair said...

Stonewall voted her 'Politician of the Year' in 2006 so she does have some democratic credentials.
I can't believe the SNP want to sign us up to this Orwellian nightmare.

INCOMING!!!!!!! said...

DL its a bit like giving a couple of harmless turkey basters a gatling gun and a 20ft TLU full of ammo. The MFin' big gun will be hung over the mantlepiece and the TLU will be parked on the lawn as a bit of modernist sculpture. They'll get back to the turkeys and we'll all fall asleep. Then Stalin will turn up and it will be show time.

Have you checked out the powers they have to lead pill us for dissent? Dissent is anything Stalin cares to say it is.

All I can say is OH Fuck!!!!!

Lord Ringpiece said...

This is an outrage ! Who elected this loathesome pair ?
Who are they accountable to ?

Theri Henry said...

Les Cheatin barstewards. Je demand une replay aujourdui.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Scunnert, those are power chompers. You need a set like that if you are going to get ahead. Look at Camilla! She borrowed her horse's.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, she could do with somke of that stuff they advertise for women that gets rid of wrinkles. I think they call it Polyfilla.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Fairs fair. Hmmm! I think the tide is starting to turn against the EC in the SNP. We should follow the Norwegian model, we've got enough oil and natural resources to be an EFTA type country.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Lord Ringpiece, one hopes one is being ironic!

Dark Lochnagar said...

Theri Henry, non, vous etes le basrard cheatin. Le ami irlandes de moi me dices, que tu es un cunt. Tu es tres mal de Maradonna. Il est magnifique!Or someit!

Theri Henry said...

Vous les personnes écossaises êtes simplement jaloux parce que la France qualifiée pour la coupe du monde mais encore vous a échoué. L'Irlande aren' ; t aussi passionnant que la France ainsi it' ; s meilleur nous qualifions et pas elles.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Theri Henry, tu es un shitebag. Aussi tu es un bawbag. Je prefere parler en anglais o espangne s'il vous plait. BTW to poir shovez le tasse du monde right up tus grande arsehole noir!;-)

The Young Oligarch said...

Faslane "Peace" Camp , DL ?

Sitting in tents in the pishing rain is for hapless dupes !

As Vice-Chairman of "The Movement" she'd have been more likely to be spreading fraternal greetings on fact-finding trips to Moscow and East Berlin !

Like you , I wonder why she was appointed one of Tony's Cronies .

Theri Henri said...

DL It' ; s toujours les mêmes avec vous métèques de gruau. Dès que vous obtiendrez vous avez ennuyé que tournez-vous vers l'abus ! We' ; Re dans la coupe du monde et vous aren' ; t l'obtiennent ainsi vers le haut de yi !

INCOMING!!!!!!! said...

Angela's lap dog.

Anonymous said...

Too many people telling us what to do and none of them elected.
We need a revolution though as I'm English, perhaps after tea.
Seriously though, we need to change something.

banned said...

"Baroness Ashtray" h/t leg_iron

Common Purpose clone or what ? Never done a proper job in her life.

University of London, graduating with a BSc in sociology in 1977
Between 1977-79 Ashton worked as an administrator at the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and was later elected as its national treasurer and subsequently as one of its vice-chairs. As of 1983 she worked for the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work.[11] From 1983 to 1989 she was Director of Business in the Community working with business to tackle inequality, and established the Employers' Forum on Disability, Opportunity Now, and the Windsor Fellowship She chaired the Health Authority in Hertfordshire from 1998 to 2001, and her children's school governing body, and became a Vice President of the National Council for One Parent Families.

She was made a life peer as Baroness Ashton of Upholland in 1999 for no particular reason other than for her to become various junior ministers.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, in other words a fucking chairmMAN. Well she should go down well in the EC, that's all they do is talk and it will be handy to have a woman there as well if the men are needing some tea and biscuits.

sociology means power said...

I won't slag off sociology students again !
Fuck me she's now more powerful than the PM or Simon Cowell.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Ansel, sorry mate. Still look on the bright side. As a couple they'll keep Berlesconi and The Lord of the Fly shagging for years.