Tuesday, 20 October 2009


In a recent poll on the blog, I asked you the question, WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING POLITICAL OPTIONS FOR SCOTLAND DO YOU SUPPORT?

Of the 86% or so who voted for independence, the majority 45%, voted for independence outwith the E.C. This surprised me as it varied greatly from the perceived model of independence as put forward by the only pro-independence party, the SNP.

But this got me thinking. DO WE REALLY WANT TO BE PART OF THE E.C.? Should we not be following the model of Norway and Switzerland, who seem to be doing very well for themselves. We will be one of the wealthiest nations in Europe with all the oil, gas and renewables our country has.

Why should we give that wealth to Europe in the same way as we have to England in the last 40 years?



Vronsky said...

What do I think? Independence outside the EU. The EU seems to have moved a long way from its founding pronciples, and is now simply Westminster writ large. Let's make a job of it, and get out of both unions. And you can also stick NATO where the sun don't shine - they're just a gang of US-sponsored thugs and terrorists.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Vronsky, you don't say anything that I could argue with. The E.C just seems to be a vast beauracracy that is a job for the boys club, like the Kinnocks, Blair etc and you're right about NATO, who the fuck is going to attack Scotland and who do we need Nuclear arms for?

McGonagall said...

Out. In the EU our voice would be a whisper their silence a roar - to paraphrase JT.

banned said...

None of my business but " outwith ", nice to see some good old Anglo Saxon there. Bravo.

McGonagall said...

Banned - Scots cin yaze English proaperly whan it's cawed fur.

Dark Lochnagar said...

I would agree with you Scunnert but I believe with, Oil,Coal, Gas and renewables we would be able to shout above our size. It would of course depend on how any prospective Scottish Government was able to handle the Bankers and Big Business.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned, it is certainly your business and let me tell you why. At the moment the membership of the E.C. is held by Britain. If however Scotland and possibly Wales left the partnership then Britain would cease to exist. England would then be able to decide to remain in the E.C. or not but you could not stay a member under the same conditions.

Also due to our superior education system we are able to speak the Queen's English abley as well as our own dialects which on the whole would appear to be unintellagble to our English cousins. What ho! Please however feel free to comment on any posting on this blog whether it concerns England or not as Scottish Labour MPs, (but not SNP MPs), feel able to vote on purely English affairs in Westminster and your comments are always most welcome.

banned said...

Thank you DL.
Breaking up the UK as a means of leaving the EU could be interesting, we would in any case remain effectivly a federation of sorts given the influence of BT, BP, Tesco and the like who would continue to regard England, Scotland, Wales and N.I. as a single 'territory' ( in the same way that many companies treated UK/Eire as one place until Dublin joied the Euro ).

What would an independent Scotland do for currency ? Retain Sterling, issue your own or join the Euro ? Might be a problem since your two main banks were bailed out by the UK Government.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Banned. The plan is for the Scottish pound to link to the pound sterling at least at first. But I think that is well down the road. Rwmember the banks although they had the word Scottish in their name were British banks and had been paying plenty in profits to the British treasury over many years, since 1707 to be precise. Watch you don't fall into the trap that many of your countrymen do of confusing British with English. We have a share in everything since 1707, the Army, the Navy, the Air force, Nuclear weapons......etc.

banned said...

I never fall into that trap DL, neither do I confuse Great Britain with UK.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Touche. Banned. Lol.

RantinRab said...

OUT! I know you are an SNP man but I just don't trust 'em! They seem to be obsessed with Europe and it's just not the way to go.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Rab, I agree with you. I am only a SNP man because I believe my country should and could stand on it's own two feet and they are the only party in town at this point in time.

banned said...

WTF would we call a state comprising England, Wales and N.I., The Disunited Kingdom ? Wales of course is going nowhere since it is ours by right of conquest, a concept that has sadly become unfashionable these days.

Dark Lochnagar said...

What about the Tory Kingdom with some subservient welsh cunts and the bit of Ireland with the nutters!