Saturday, 5 May 2012


Today a great Scottish city and many would say the "greatest Scottish city", Glasgow, finally died.

Glasgow was once known as the second city of the Empire.  It's engineering capacity and Universities were the envy of the world.  It had more parkland than any other city in Europe.  Yet, today, after being shit upon from a great height for 60 odd years by a narrow, entrenched, drug taking, corrupt, Scottish Labour dictatorship, they finally made it clear that they are the thick numpty bastards  that the rest of Scotland knew they were.

When at last they had the chance to get out from under the socialist jackboot and vote for a superior and optimistic future, fewer than one in three could be bothered to get off their lardy arses and do it.  Why not?  Was there something good on 'Eastenders', that their Sky boxes paid for, by the rest of us workers couldn't record?  Or were they just too thick to stand up for themselves like the rest of Scotland and see what damage has been done to their community over the years by Labour?  That is the Labour who have used the tried and tested, 'mushroom' theory of keeping them in the dark and feeding them shit, over the last 60 years.  It makes you wonder how many election irregularities will be picked up this time?  Aye, but they'll tell you, "my family has always voted Labour since we came from the Irish potato famine/the Ayrshire coalmines/the Great Depression/the General Strike/the siege of Calcutta"  and what is it you do now?  "Well, I run my own business/I'm a university professor/I'm a senior manager/I'm a company director, etc, etc.  Pricks!

Ach well, fuck 'em, if they're too thick to see what their lives have become, why should the rest of us worry?


  1. Unfortunately DL they've fucked the rest of us with them!
    Cocaine snorting, corruption and bullying - all ignored by unthinking morons ,aided and abetted by the media of Scotland ,charge led by the BBBBC ,followed by STV ,and the so called "quality" press - may they live in interesting times ( The Scotsman is certianly doing so)

    That said , overall it was an excellent night for the SNP ,no matter which way the media attempts to spin .

  2. DisiDot, Welcome to the blog. It was a right good day for the SNP. I wrote this out of sadness for Glasgow really because I have been born and brought up in Ayrshire, many people particular the English don't know the subtle difference in my language when they here it and assume I'm from 35 miles north. We have our own shityards down here like East Ayrshire, but even they have pulled themselves out of the mire.

  3. Was it rigged in Glasgow?

    Glasgow is a spooky place.

    - Angirfan.

  4. DL,

    An old joke but a good one.

    Q: What has the Red Rose got in common with the Scottish Labour Party?

    A: They both look nice on top, but underneath are a load of Pricks!


  5. Angirs, that I admit was a concern of mine before the poll. Only time will tell I suppose, I fucking hope so!!!

  6. DL, I wonder how many stuffed ballot boxes appeared with Labour ones and twos? And how many of these "Voters", have been decaying in their coffins since last year? That's why the Independence Referendum should be supervised by the Government and not the Corrupt Westminster Coalition and their "Liebour" chums. Now Glasgow has voted Labour! What did they promise the electorate of that "Great" City. Free Buckfast, baccy and pills. City full of fucking retards.


  7. By the Government, I mean the Scottish one of course. Not that bunch of daisy chainers down in LONDUM.


  8. Good to see the inclusive , new Scotland deals with a very slight electoral reverse in such a positive and mature way .

    You guys are scary .

  9. I belong to Glasgow Labour,
    I'm a fucking mong;
    What's the matter with Glasgow?
    The list is fucking long;
    We care more for dear old Ireland,
    Or an Ulster that is Free;
    So do us Patriots all a favour,
    And go and fucking flee, (to Ireland).

    I belong to Glasgow,
    I'm a Commie Cunt;
    What's the matter with it's voters,
    They voted for that fucking "bunt";
    I'm only a poor little "working" chap,
    As anyone here can see;
    I'll sell out my country for a fiver,
    But not dear old Ireland or the Union, see.

    I belong to Glasgow,
    Dear old druggy toon;
    What's the matter wae Glasgow is ye cannae get crack until the Afternoon,
    I'm just an poor little crag addict man;
    As everyone sure can see,
    But as long as I get ma broo fae the Social,


  10. óli, not as scary as you Onionists!

  11. Stephen, nice one. Your poem or did you get it from somewhere?

  12. DL, I made up the lyrics myself. As for the tune, it is of course, "I belong to Glasgow".


  13. Stephen, I recognised the tune right away!

  14. DL , only bad boys find me scary .

    The way the SNP are trying to re-define who the REAL Scots are , and to exclude large swathes of us , ordinary , non-SNP Scots as sub-human , is truly scary .

    Have a think about it , pal .

    Do you really want your "independent" Scotland to see Glasgow , Lanarkshire and surrounding areas as suspect , possibly traitorous interlopers ?

    You are confusing nationality with party politics , as most nationalist movements do . I thought the SNP had ditched that in favour of "Civic Nationalism"? Or was that just for the cameras ?

    You've really got to get round to persuading , rather than asserting . And when the assertion doesn't work , shouting bitter hate-filled abuse .

    Gawn . You know you can .
