Saturday, 21 April 2012


A sly looking bastard if ever I saw one!

Just why has osborne pledged another £10 billion of our money to the IMF, which in turn is supporting the Eurozone.

The IMF is set up to help out individual countries like in  Africa to develop their economies.  It is not their job to prop up the Euro which is plainly on it's way out.  That is why the USA has NOT pledged any more money to the IMF, because it knows when the Euro goes down the tubes as will happen sooner or later, there is a good chance they won't get their money back.  I very rarely agree with anything Ed Balls says but this time he is right.

The IMF has a vital role to play in the global economy and must be properly resourced. But the IMF’s job is to support individual countries with solvency crises, not to support a whole monetary union which cannot agree the necessary steps to maintain itself. The IMF cannot and should not become the de facto central bank of the euro area.

It's come to a pretty pass, when a supposed Euro sceptic party is propping up a Euro system that can't survive.  When are these fuckers going to stand up for Britain???


  1. as you know "the public are not liable for the private debt of private banks" so this is just theft, plain & simple, fraud, stealing the public's money to give to his banker friends, but people don't bother, he should be in prison but he won't be

  2. You got it right with the "supposed" , DL .

    That and the fact they're in coalition with the pure-mad-mental Euro-Federalists .

  3. He promised no more bail outs for the EU but lied.
    We're having to borrow £10Bn at 5% to give to the IMF who will give it to Greece/Portugal/France/ Italy who can't borrow money anymore as they're totally bust.
    The money is all gone and the more we pay in the more we will lose.
    But I suspect you knew that DL lol

  4. Publes, to the point as usual!! :)

  5. Bankrupt,, I suspected that might be the case! :)

  6. we should sack all 600+ of them
    even the "good" ones, they had their chance & were all found wanting

    I know when I look out of my window there are 1000's of people who go out of their way to be nice & decent & honest with others, not for any reward, just because it's in their nature to be that way, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of them, I'd shag yer missus given half the chance ;)
    we should employ them, tell them they can have as much as they want, we know they won't screw us over, all they have to do is the right thing by the people

    I'm not being a communist, but we need to nationalise all the energy supplies, oil & petrol, rail & health, all the stuff the people need to get by
    first we were all going to freeze to death in an ice age, now we're all going to burn to death in global warming, although that's going back to freezing in another ice age, but I guarantee that if we don't then very soon we are all going to die of thirst when they privatise the water supply, they've even started getting that one in place already, soon to be followed by world-wide calamity of a lack of water, I'd put money on it

  7. Maybe he's a scumbag. It's a possibility we should consider.

  8. Doggers, I totally agree with you. There are some things that should be the right of everyone in a civilised society to have. We didn't spend time reforming weans going up chimneys to start charging for water, metered or not.

  9. Now we are officially in drought, will the IMF send us two pounds a month?

  10. Anonymous, no we're going to sell you some water!

  11. But of course. How silly of me!
