Friday, 17 February 2012


This a reservoir in England.  40% less water than usual at this time of year.  Is that down to global warming?  Probably not.  It may just be an unusually dry year.  It is however an opportunity for Scotland to make some more exports.  

The UK Government has floated the economy on Scottish oil since the 1970s.  Now is the time to send them some of our Scottish water, a Scottish resource, at a premium of course.  We have to have a benefit from the fact that it pisses down most days, even in summer.

It does surprise me however, that in Spain, a country where it doesn't rain much, they have plenty of water.  I as many of you know have been in Murcia for the last 2 months or so.  It's rained 3 times, all at night.  I know it rained because there was slight wetness on the pavements in the morning, although it might have been a heavy dew.  I pay less than  many of you in England pay for my water and although I watch what I use, there are never any shortages.  The reason?  Water is a precious resource here.  They don't waste it.  We get much of our water from the north of Spain and they gripe that we waste it on golf courses.  Which is muerdo, of course.  Any water that is used on the golf course comes from the toilets of the people who live here.  Which is why you never lick your fingers when you play golf here.

But, how many desalination plants are there in Britain?  My guess, would be fuck all.  Over here they are all over the place and even small places like here in Mazarron have them.

It's time the English, woke up to the fact that one of the basics of life, water, shouldn't be privatised and made to cost a fortune.  At the very least it should be properly resourced and reservoirs at this time of year shouldn't be half full!


  1. You're dead on balls accurate on this one DL. This is really one of my bugbears. My local water authority has reservoirs built by the rate payers, in the 70s they were taken over by the County Council. Thatcher then stole them and flogged them off and are now owned by the Germans.

    I'm in the process of buying a place on the Ebro valley, so keep your thieving dabs of *MY* water....

  2. Budvers, where is the 'Ebro valley'? I don't believe that water should be privatised.

  3. The Ebro? It's the big river that runs east through Zaragosa to the Med.

    I don't think any utilities should be privatised, not just water.

  4. This is the policy of the Tory Government and always has been. Privatise everything, get as much money for themselves and to hell with everyone else. The Tory's don't care how much essential commodities like water and electricity are costing their people.

    Oh they will pay you lip service and say they are looking into policies to help you out, but at the end of the day they just don't care.

    David Cameron & Ruth Davidson are just the same old Tory's giving the same old BS. We must not believe a word either of them say.

  5. Would the billions to be spent on HS2 be better spent on providing more reservoirs? It's no good getting to Birmingham 31 minutes quicker if you die of thirst getting there.

  6. Ali, welcome to the blog. 20 years ago, I would have disagreed with you, but the older I get the more left wing and cynical I get

  7. Teuchter, that is a wee bit strange! How does that help with the supposed global warming?

  8. It doesn't as salination plants require an awful lot of energy to run and those energy plants require an awful lot of water to run, where can I dig another hole as I've filled in the last one.

  9. Teuchter, are you sure the water didn't fill it?

  10. I don't need no doctorMonday, February 20, 2012

    I think they tried building a desalination plant on Ayr seaside but all the turds kept blocking the filters.

  11. Craig Whyte ( you've not seen me right)Monday, February 20, 2012

    Did someone mention turds ?

  12. Cachu bant ti cachu mesMonday, February 20, 2012

    We in Wales have provided water to England for years. Llyn Celyn Reservoir was formed by flooding the village of Capel Celyn to provide water for..........LIVERPOOL

    take a look at this link the bastards apologised forty years later too.

  13. Doc, when I was a wean, a good time ago, I used to swim at Prestwick where the sewage pipe only went out 100 yds, you had to swipe away the turds and fanny pads!

  14. Craig the convict, (or soon to be), turds, there are plenty at Ibrox!

  15. Canti cuchi, I can't seem to open that!
