Wednesday, 7 December 2011


This image was displayed on E-Bay last night as the ideal thing to wear to a Xmas dinner party.  Is it me?  Has the world gone fucking potty?  Is some fucker turned up to my house for a formal dinner party dressed like that, (not that I have that many), but if I did, he would be told to go and take a running fuck to himself!


  1. He looks a right tit.

  2. He looks a right tit.

  3. Titter, I took your point the first time.

  4. Titter, I took your point the second time.

  5. I didn't get a tit :(

  6. Is there an echo in here ?

  7. If you invite me, I turn up in my jeans, tee shirt and if it's cold a sweat shirt.

    That's all I've got.

    But my sparkling repartee makes up for my lack of sartorial elegance.

  8. I with you on this DL, OK when I dress up, I look like one of the 2 Rons, but come on.

    In the last few years, I've turned up at church for Christenings/funerals etc and the people that turn up in jeans/trainers/T-shirt is unbelievable.

    Hell I was up in court earlier this year (and got off with it) and all the chav scum were dressed the same way. How hard is it to throw on a clean shirt and stick on a tie?

  9. But why should people dress in the dress code of the 1950s. If you are clean and your clothes are clean, who says it has to be a shirt and a tie?

    I'd never go anywhere I wasn't welcome, regardless of what I was wearing.

    I know old people like wearing collars and ties, and that's fine. My great uncle wears them on holiday, along the front at whatever ghastly resort he goes to. That's his business and I'd never say to him.... you have to wear shorts and a t-shirt, even though most people would say he looks a tad odd.

  10. Bottle fed, that's your problem, you've been deprived. Use it as an excuse next time you're up before the beaks.

  11. Budvers, I've got to say, I don't remember the last time I had a tie on, but I think for some occasions it doesn't hurt to dress up a bit. I've been to many 'dinner dances' where everyone has been wearing a dinner suit and the good thing about that is, that you don't know who's got how much money, who's hired it and who's bought a dear one. Different with designer gear, which I admit I have quite a lot of because when I lost weight, I decided I didn't need a big wardrobe and only bought good stuff. I'm going to a Burns Supper in Spain when I'm away and I have been warned within an inch of my life to wear my kilt, which I don't mind. I wear jeans the rest of the time!

  12. Tris, I take your point, but surely you should get a wee bit dressed up for a wedding or even a funeral? It shows a bit of respect. Would you turn up for your father's funeral in jeans?

  13. Colin, FFS, don't tell everyone or they'll all be wanting sooked off!

  14. Nothing less than black tie old bean, pip pip!

